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Fuzzy green mushrooms and orange discosomas


Supporting Member
Free to anyone who asks. Pickup in Redwood City. If you are interested and then do not pick up, you go on my permanent no freebies list, but beyond that no requirements.

I also can give a free mushroom cage as long as you give a bit of rubble of some sort.



Exact quantities I'll figure out based on asks, since that'll decide if I remove the shrooms well or just scrape the crap out of the rocks. Not yet removed so would most likely be pickup next weekend.

This tank has zero history of pests and everything was pre-QT'ed.

Will also post to FB for probably $20 for 3 as a cheap price which moved fast last time.
Free to anyone who asks. Pickup in Redwood City. If you are interested and then do not pick up, you go on my permanent no freebies list, but beyond that no requirements.

I also can give a free mushroom cage as long as you give a bit of rubble of some sort.

View attachment 60732

View attachment 60733

Exact quantities I'll figure out based on asks, since that'll decide if I remove the shrooms well or just scrape the crap out of the rocks. Not yet removed so would most likely be pickup next weekend.

This tank has zero history of pests and everything was pre-QT'ed.

Will also post to FB for probably $20 for 3 as a cheap price which moved fast last time.
What’s the red one in center of the 2nd picture, looks like the green hairy ones?

My guess would be a yuma but not sure
FYI those green ones are commonly called “green hairy mushrooms” for those who are interested in learning more. They are hardy, grow well, and are crowd pleasers, with nice movement. But they can grow too well and take over whatever rock structure they are on.
FYI those green ones are commonly called “green hairy mushrooms” for those who are interested in learning more. They are hardy, grow well, and are crowd pleasers, with nice movement. But they can grow too well and take over whatever rock structure they are on.
For others reference, DBTC version of mine at least: https://barcode.bareefers.org/bc/frag/1873

Rhodactis indosinensis is I think the formal name, from when I set that one up awhile ago.

Definitely grow well in certain conditions. Easy to grow. Look cool. Especially when paired up with a second color thing for contrast.

What’s the red one in center of the 2nd picture, looks like the green hairy ones?

My guess would be a yuma but not sure
Go by many names I think. JVU has a bunch. I have a DBTC (https://barcode.bareefers.org/bc/frag/1874). I'm not clear what is different between these and King Kong yumas besides an absurd price and a name.

I don't have any currently available.
I like how they look, they're almost reminiscent of galaxea, minus the sweepers.

They grow fast, and they can get bigger than "regular" mushrooms. I once saw a small colony host a clownfish lol
I'm unsure if the ones I gave to you included these. I had a bunch of different ones in those cages, and didn't really check rigorously. So might be the same :)
This one isn’t from you. Grabbed it at last swap unless you brought some to it.