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FYI-5.99 shipping for salt @ thatpetplace.


Supporting Member
Just ran into it.

That's a place to visit if you're ever in the land of the Amish, it's one of the largest in the U.S., I used to go there when it was ~5,000 sq. ft. then they upped it straight to ~75,000 sq. ft.
Yes, especially since half the time their loaded coming back from whatever candle lit bar they were at. The baked goods are out of this world though, along with the wursts and krauts, nom nom!
I think I am heading out for their tent sale this year.

Sanjay's club (NCPARS) is doing their fragswap there at the end of the month.
That's quite a drive for him, especially considering the weather this time of year.

I think you'll like That Fish Place (the original name), not the cleanest fish, but a pretty impressive selection and an amazing dry goods selection. I saw my first nano there in '92, PC lighting, Tunze skimmers, Poly-Filters, all kinds of stuff the we didn't have at World Wide, of course that's before everyone knew everything with the advent od the web, now if someone farts people know it :D