
GAH! Stupid corals!


Supporting Member
Ok, so issues are a happening rapidly, first I had that monti-nudibranch issue.. which is mostly contained I think, I literally just grabbed the huge chunk of digitata I had and ripped it out of my tank and threw it away, ironically it's still purple being dried out for almost a month! I figure other montiporas are far enough away that unless the nudibranchs jump infront of the power head they'll be fine, even if they do what are the odds they'll land on a quarter sized piece 5 feet away?

So then my return pump crapped out, magnet exploded outward/bulged... I've been using my salt mixup pump as a return in the mean time, problem is my oceans motion is useless now because I don't have a way to plumb the two. Dr Foster & Smith order should be getting here soon... if only they had a tracking number! It'd be great.

Now I noticed my blue millepora colony has bleached out, I rearranged a month ago or so, nothing dramatic, but the millepora did go from "off the side" of the lit area, to right under the bulb, a little lower, that combined with the lumenarc I won... I think it just had too much light and a lot of it is bleached out, some minor stuff on the tips, I moved it over out of the direct path to see if I can save what's left, there's still a good amount of brown flesh that was shaded there and a couple light blue tips.. we'll see what happens.

And another teal colored mille, that RTN'd on me, luckily this wasn't a colony, but a frag that made a nice puddle/base and was growing nicely... stupid me for moving the rock around.. however there is a red mille with green tips that is looking extra vibrant and the colors really have come out!

Well hopefully those I've sold/given frags of that blue mille grow them out nicely, and maybe one day I can get one back... I'm still trying to salvage the older colony, but we'll have to see what happens.
Sorry Mike that millie I got from you bleached out with my hair algae problem for some reason.

Sometimes this hobby gives you all kinds of headaches and you just want to quit. In my case put a dog face puffer in the tank and call it a day.
sorry to hear about the problems mike =(

The blue Milli I bought from you is still alive, though not blue anymore. I'll keep it alive for ya so when you're stabilized let me know.
Thanks, it's just my bathroom remodel project has been taken up the better of the summer (stupid old houses!) and that means tank maintenance has been minimized to feeding, top off water, adding 2 part solution and that's about it. No time to stare at it in depth and see if there are issues with bleached corals etc.

Well see about the mille, I really don't want a piece back now, maybe when I have time to dedicate to my tank/rearrange/rebuild a few ideas..

And yes dave the RBTA (all three of them) are still alive), although still attached to the rock ;) They're in my softie tank anyways, and that tank is almost zero maintenance, and ironically looks cleaner and clearer than my stony tank! I'll see what I can't do today or tomorrow about removing one of them dave, although no promises.

Although my tomato clowns apparently spawned sometime within the last (however long it takes for eggs to hatch).. I noticed a nice little jelly like egg cluster right between a couple of the anemone and I was thinking "You're NEMO!" hehe.. anyways they hatched, and I noticed them darting in and out of the holes near the anemone in the rock for the past few nights.. I know I have next to zero chance to have any live, but how long do they normally go before they can starve to death?
yeah mike, i hear you about tank being on autopilot lately.. and interestingly enough my false percs decided to start spawning too, so i am getting egg clutches every two weeks. no fry to be seen though, but figure they are all tank food anyway.

wierd, as my discus pair who also lay eggs regularly but never can get the fry beyond day 2 without eating them decided to finally have babies this summer too. didn't even notice until they were most likely around 2 weeks old (tells me that i need to check my tanks more regularly ;D).. right now they around i'm guessing around a month old and about 10 survived and are around 1/2-3/4" size and looking nice with me doing nothing much different. tried to feed some roti-feast, cyclopeeze, and reef roids during my daily feeding, dunno if thats helps at all. don't have time to deal with bbs right now..