Neptune Aquatics

Galoot's 220...rebirth 2024, take 2

Started the process of skinning the stan. This is roughly what it will look like. I'll paint it white to match the trim in the house. But kind of torn on what I want to use for the door panels. I originally was going to just do 1/4" ply. But I'm also considering a smoked acrylic or some like that. Any thoughts?

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Acrylic might be difficult to get right now due to sneeze guards taking up all the supply. plastic Builders had supply issues and I ordered a lid made with polycarbonate and they had the same issue. You may be fine with smoked but I’m not sure
Acrylic might be difficult to get right now due to sneeze guards taking up all the supply. plastic Builders had supply issues and I ordered a lid made with polycarbonate and they had the same issue. You may be fine with smoked but I’m not sure
I decided to just go with 1/4" birch. Much cheaper and I can finish everything this weekend

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Took me a little longer to finish than I anticipated, but got the doors all built and painted. Tacked up the trim and hung the doors with 3/4" magnets. Overall I'm happy with it. Gives it a slightly modern but finished look. Easy enough to remove the panels for maintenance.

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could you share a pic of the magnets? Do you have one in each corner of the panels? Or did you need more
Sure. Only took a couple per panel, and mine are quite tall at 40". There are 3/4 in rare earth magnets. Just drilled out a hole to the depth of the magent and glued them in. Then painted over them to hope protect them from the salt

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If I had to do it again, I'd most likely build a frame and put the magnets on that, then attached the doors to the frame with hinges. It would make it easier to keep it all level and spaced correctly. But this way is also good, and keeps it less bulky

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I’m resurrecting this almost dead build thread.

Through Covid, multiple deaths in the family, injuries, surgeries, family and work commitments, this tank basically crashed. I lost many long time fish to who knows what, hopefully age, probably not. All the coral died off, except some green hairy mushrooms. Can’t kill them if I tried!

I was ready to break the whole system down and sell it off or go freshwater. After much back and forth with myself. I decided I have sent too much time and money to just give up. My life has slowed down to the point I can dedicate the needed time and I slowly start getting everything back in line over the last few months.

So here I stand, with my 220 reboot. Water parameters are stable, fish are happy and I threw in a few simple corals to make sure I don’t kill anything. I’m motivated and inspired to get this to looking like it deserves!


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