Cali Kid Corals

Gem Tang (and others) Information

I’ve heard the same thing about many of the more sought after rare fish. The wholesalers won’t allow you to just cherry pick. They’ll require you to buy the whole lot.
I bet there will be a lot less Ooohing and Aaahing over gem tangs as they come down to more normal prices. I never really thought the price and desire by people matched the fish, but rather the rarity/bragging rights.
Yellow tangs are still my favorite. If for some reason they were not allowed to be imported from Hawaii anymore, they would also become much sought after (maybe renamed golden tangs).

I’m glad Biota started breeding them so we never have to do without :)

If anyone wants to try a group buy of captive bred yellow tangs let me know and I’d be glad to help set it up.
Yellow tangs are still my favorite. If for some reason they were not allowed to be imported from Hawaii anymore, they would also become much sought after (maybe renamed golden tangs).

I’m glad Biota started breeding them so we never have to do without :)

If anyone wants to try a group buy of captive bred yellow tangs let me know and I’d be glad to help set it up.

I admit, I was a little excited at first when I saw Aquatic Collection post them for $240 but the yellow tang is honestly one of my favorite fish in the hobby. I agree with the others that gem tangs are only exciting because they have been so rare and expensive for such a long time.