Neptune Aquatics

Get em started early


Past President
Me and the little man throwing some flies yesterday just outside Yosemite on the way home. 5 little bows and 1 nice brown in about 30 minutes working 2 little pools.

Big sister already knows. She caught one from cast to hookup to hand. Even knows to wet the hands before picking them up.

love those place,i use to go june lake,convict lake and then stop by a friend privated lake lundy by Levining then stop by mono lake before we're headed home.I miss those day.:(

Great to see that! Awesome dad, wish someone taught me the right way to flyfish (learned on my own...poorly). So where was this spot? I'm always up for exploring new areas.
I did some fly fishing as a kid. Living in SF makes me wish I could get out to lakes more often - even though I'm rustier than a trombone. Maybe you can show me a few things Dave :)
Wish my kids were patient enough, took one of my nephews fishing yesterday to Lake Merced, here in the city; one strike he got and myself caught a nice little bass.
Back in the day Orvis on Grant Ave. was my spot for flies and the annual Cabela's Master Catalog.
Great to see both your kids enjoy the sport at such early age.
Nice pics, worth saving for the archives. If you can reefkeep 1/2 as good as you can parent things will be looking up for you 'beautiful brown' corals. :)