Cali Kid Corals

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

I have the flame angel in there already...thinking about adding a golden angel eventually.
Sounds good of course, but not the same dynamic as a real harem.
I have been sortof trying to do a real harem of fairy wrasse, but you have the tank for a real harem of some sort of dwarf angel.
Hey have a lot of time on your hands! Congrats on the new Christmas gift and just responded to your 250 tank build thread. I've been busy helping my buddy dads' 250 so updates on my tank will be slow coming.

After reading a book Jake Adams recommended on RB named Practical Coral Farming by Miguel Tolosa, I decided to give vodka dosing a shot (no pun intended). I'm happy to report I'm getting 0 ppm Nitrates and 0.25 ppm or less Phosphates. I bought the Kirkland brand vodka (as you tell by the pic) for under 20 bucks. I still have plenty left after dosing 6ml a day in main display and 2 ml in the frag tank.

Jim, are you still vodka dosing? Is it something you recommend?