Cali Kid Corals

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

OMG - I've always admired that humongous clam at AC and now you have it - congrats!! It is so beautiful! how did you transport it? Did it actually close up when they took it out of the tank and did it open up right away in yours? I'd never seen it closed - just happy being open with its mantle almost touching the sand! Looks perfect in your 450...
OMG - I've always admired that humongous clam at AC and now you have it - congrats!! It is so beautiful! how did you transport it? Did it actually close up when they took it out of the tank and did it open up right away in yours? I'd never seen it closed - just happy being open with its mantle almost touching the sand! Looks perfect in your 450...

Hi Geneva,

I transported the clam in a salinity large bucket. It did spit out some water when taken out of the display tank...which was funny to watch. It also did open up in the bucket and while I acclimated it. Once I placed it in the tank it stayed closed a bit since I was trying to find the right spot for it. After a few hours and it being comfortable in its new sorroundings it fully opened.

I think it really anchors the right side of the tank!