
[GONE] PIF: Free Exquisite Fairy Wrasse


Supporting Member
Title says it all - I have an Exquisite wrasse free for supporting members. First come first serve (preference to whoever can get here quickest).
Pickup is in San Mateo... please bring a container.
Please DM if interested - or text me if you have my number already =)

Fish details:
  • The fish is about 3.5"
  • I've had it about 9+ months
  • Was in a tank with ick but I QT'd it in copper for 30 days (copper power @ minimum 2.5ppm) and he's been in an observation tank since September!
    • so QT'd over 120 days (30 days in copper, 90+ days out of copper in sterile tank)
    • Eats aggressively, very active
    • QT journal ... plus @Coral reefer can vouch as he came over to help me catch all the fish and place them in brand new QT tanks
      • I'm confident the fish is clean but I cannot guarantee anything
Why am I giving it away?

I QT'd all my fish after an ick outbreak in my DT. I'm rethinking my stocking plan. Currently I have a Copperband in my DT who loves clams.
This fish historically went nuts for clams and I just dont want him going after my Copperband's favorite food.

