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Good place to window shop for tanks?

Matt_Wandell said:
Gresham, what did you do with those aquariums when Jeremy and I faced off against each other and I bribed the judges for the win? :D

I bought one at that BAYMAC....it's now my wife's nano (I was bummed as they did take the aquascaping out!)

SLOreefer said:
Hey Matt score on the new tank! I've seen a few people do them rim less. What led pendant are you gonna use?

On a side note, do you still have the chameleon you got from me way back when or did she pass?

Dude, you live in the bay now? How long have you been here? Too funny.

I think for now I am going to try using two PAR 38 bulbs since I have them laying around, with gooseneck lamp holders. I will probably be unhappy with it in about a year because I'm aesthetically OCD when it comes to equipment. If so, I'm thinking AI nano pendant, but by then there will probably be some newer hipper fixture out.

The chameleon story--I seriously dedicated more time, energy, and space to that lady than ever pet I have ever owned. You know she was carrying eggs when you sold her to me? I had her X-rayed at UCD's vet hospital to confirm, and then went about giving her a sandy area to lay them. She laid something like 60 big eggs--it is a really demanding process for them and apparently many in captivity die afterwards. Afterwards she recuperated very well. I did away with the cage and let her roam freely in a 7' tall ficus tree in my living room. Lots of heat lamps and UV for her to bask in, and a $300 misting system that sprayed her down 6 times a day. I would move the whole tree to the shower once a week and run it for about an hour to simulate a rainstorm. Apparently this is very important to keep them well hydrated. I was breeding roaches and crickets for her to eat, and catching wild bugs with a butterfly net. I would take her out into the park when the weather was good and let her roam around in short trees to soak up some good UV for vitamin D. Did I mention that, since she was free range, I had to hand feed her every single food item?

Anyway, I was clearly a bit nutty about keeping her healthy. At some point I moved to a new place that didn't allow any pets, so I had to give her away. She went to a pet store employee in Davis that provided a good home, but haven't communicated with him since. I think by now she would have died of old age? That was about 2005 when I got her from you, so...
Bearsharktopus said:
Matt_Wandell said:
I am considering using ocean beach water to fill up my tank. Lunacy? LOL
Lunacy? My dear sir, I do believe that any self respecting gentleman would only consider the pristine waters from the ocean beach.

Our future Prez right here ;)

I'll argue though, Montara Beach has some of the cleanest water in the area, it might be worth the trip.

I disregard all alerts about the 'red tide' and paddle out in the morning.
Just had a thought! If I can demonstrate that corals can grow and do well in Ocean Beach water...that's interesting ammo. I doubt my little 24g tank will convince anybody of anything, but it will be a fun experiment!

Raw surface water is what I mean...we always had "issues" with our OB water at work, but that was well water, and getting significant input from the fresh groundwater of GG Park. I doubt it is even logistically possible for us to pull water from the surface at OB for all kinds of reasons, but it'd be fun to know about.
I believe you need to get a permit from the RWCCB to pull water, although don't tell them I have a bout a gallon i n my nose after I get out of the water :D