Post the fish (using the BalBlu form as a starting point) that you potentially want.
I don't know where I find the list, but would likely want 6 sunset anthias, as large as possible.
I'm down for a sponsor group buy over the livestockusa one if it is easier and can support our LFS
I want at least one H. Magnifica (Ritteri) anemone. Purple foot, green tentacles. Depending on price, I would get up to 3.
You are probably not going to get a choice in colors.
sweet! which sponsor if you dont mind me asking?OKay -- so I talked to one of our sponsors today and they'd love to help with a BAR group buy. I told them the deal and as soon as I mentioned BaliBlue he said, "the shipping will kill you!." I asked about his wholesale prices vs. BaliBlu and he indicated that they usually get them a little cheaper. Long and short of it is he'd be happy to bring in a box of 20+ just for BAR at his cost and accept $300.00 for the entire deal. Odds are we can go for more than 20 fish with no issues as well since his shipping cost is $35.00-$40.00 a box is all and he'd just tack ours own to his weekly order anyway. The only caveat (which we'd do with BaliBlue anyway) is he would want me to pick them up so he doesn't have to acclimate and then hand out over time. So I'd grab the shipping box and bring it to whatever place we choose or to whomever is centralized to hold them.
Bottom line is the deal should be better and we're supporting a sponsor. The full fish list comes out on Saturdays and if we're hoping for some non-standard fish we'd want an order ready by then so it can go in right away for Monday delivery. This way there will be no substitutions, but ther's also no guarantee from week-to-week that any specific species will be available that week.
Assuming that this will be his cost and not just $300 if the fish cost more than $300 in total?
Ok, so now the price for the whole box of fish is $300? How are we going to split that?
Wonder how many tukas they can fit in a box!!?!! O.O