Cali Kid Corals

[Grow-out Contest] Utter Chaos Zoa - GROWTH TRACKING

Grrr... I'm out. Mine went from 3 great looking polyps, to 3 withered looking little stumps pretty much overnight. Not sure what happened, I had other zoa groups around them that were/are fine :mad:
The graph has been updated. @Yippee , @Baykes If I somehow missed your August pics, let me know. Otherwise, this is your one and only cheat month. Don't forget to post your remaining pics if you want to stay in the contest.

@Corallus, sorry to hear about your loss man. Any indication what brought it on?

Does anyone know how the other club is doing with this contest? Wasn't it NVR we were up against?
I dropped my Ponape on my frag which had 2 polyps and 1 baby. The original polyp took a direct hit in the mouth. I believe it got stung and the toxin spread killing as it went from polyp to polyp.

Go Flagg!
I have a confirmed 7 right now.

Here's a top down shot where you can see all of them.

And here's a side shot that just looks better.

That's pretty darn good growth Flagg!
Mine recently sprouted out 2 babies as well, so for the first time., I am no longer at 1 polyp.
I've got 8 now. I'll have to see if I can get a better pick later on. It's easier for me to see new ones when they're closed up though.
The growth tracking has been updated. We're down to 6 contestants. @<3-2-reef, @Prisonfood53, you've used up your cheat month, but you're still in the running, so no more missing pics please. Everyone else, keep up with the good growth, we've only got another 2-1/2 months to go.
Mine are at 4 but they've been shrunk and closed for a few days. I'm going to take my get out of jail card this month

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Now we're cooking... I got 6 now. 3 big ones and 3 babies
Nov. update
just updated this post, 11/6/2016 was moving a few things around and took a close look at the frag. Found 3 babies
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I've got at least 10 but it's getting really hard to see what is what. I didn't think they'd grow over each other so quickly. I might have to pull the rock out when it comes to the final tally.