Reef nutrition

Guns & Corals


Well I must thank you guys, I've been motivated to go to the shooting range :D just made plans w/ an NRA certified instructor to go. Not looking to get trained on anything but this lets me practice w/ different weapons without buying them all and it didn't hurt to be good friends with the guy.
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read about that 9yr old firing a full auto uzi....

to those parents WHY??? and to the poor instructor that lost his life due to the little girl losing control of a full auto uzi... should have said no to allowing a 9yr old to shoot a full auto uzi. just my .02.

what happend to teaching them to shoot .22's, varmint rifles or heck even .22 or 9mm ar's. SMH.
read about that 9yr old firing a full auto uzi....

to those parents WHY??? and to the poor instructor that lost his life due to the little girl losing control of a full auto uzi... should have said no to allowing a 9yr old to shoot a full auto uzi. just my .02.

what happend to teaching them to shoot .22's, varmint rifles or heck even .22 or 9mm ar's. SMH.

I'm quite a gun rights supporter & I make sure to vote on the issue every chance I get, but every now & then I come across stories like that which upset me so much, guns are a sensitive issue as it is and you get a few individuals that make the entirety of gun ownership look like irresponsible idiots. The prefrontal cortex isn't even fully developed until a person passes their teens, so bottom line no 9yr old child has a concept of judgement or outcome how on god's earth does a parent put a gun in that kid's hands? I don't mean to get all scientific but this is basic stuff...

When I was 13 my dad let me play with a pellet gun for one day, after that he let me check out his pistol minus any ammo (under supervision), therefore my curiosities were satisfied I never cared to go looking for his gun or try to shoot it. Long story short I wasn't sheltered from weapons but I grew up with a healthy respect for their potential & danger, didn't end up shooting my first live round till I was 21. It's really not difficult to be a responsible gun owner and responsibly educate children on firearms without putting yourself or them in danger but somehow a lot of people (sadly ones with children) royally eff that entire concept up.
Wow am I the only one in Cali without a gun lol
Time to learn and enter a new hobby ;)

haha you're not the only one, I LOVE firearms yet don't own any. My only weapon in the house is a 14" machete and that's not even for self defense, I live in the hills and have a small dog so there is always the potential of wildlife ending up on our property and yeah, love my dogs so I'll kill a raccoon any day to save my little guy lol
have you been following up on the trends in Chicago & that whole cacophony of idiocy? I think it's hilarious how that's our most gun strict part of the country yet crime rate drops when concealed carry applications surge.

also, do you dream about punching Piers Morgan in the face? I do lol

I believe in people kill people not guns. Regardless if a killer wanted to hurt someone, they would use other methods if guns weren't available. But you have idiots that have something to prove or make it look like their doing something while in office so they try to put stupid rules to control " law abiding citizens " yet don't go after the criminals, gang bangers and the 1% crowd.
Not safer, much easier to get infected or poisoned from a reef tank than shooting yourself lol also reef tanks have been known to kill your dog o_O
Not safer, much easier to get infected or poisoned from a reef tank than shooting yourself lol also reef tanks have been known to kill your dog o_O

So you have some data that shows more people are killed by aquariums than guns? Please share.

I don't remember seeing any headlines about 'Three Killed in Drive By Tanking' or such.
'Dreaded Puffer Fish Gang Attacks Again - Four Poisoned at Sushi Restaurant!

Don't delude yourself. Guns are dangerous. Sure guns don't kill people, people kill people. But with guns it's much easier to kill people!
I dont believe anyone said that aquariums kill more people than guns. For some reason, you were the one that assumed he said that. What he said was youre more likely to harm yourself with with poisonous zoas, bristleworms, coral stings, mantis shrimps than you are to shoot yourself or others. No need to get self righteous or confrontational.

Well I can see this thread being closed soon; too controversial. Turning towards an pro and anti gun thread when it was supposed to be about silly gun/coral pictures. Should've stayed on topic!
John I wasn't being factual it was just humor, lighten up :)

I've never seen a thread get locked on bar but just in case, fellas it was a blast conversing with like minded folks.
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