Cali Kid Corals

H2o2 on fresh water plants

Familiar with the product. Did you add twice as much as reccomended, if so how long. Some kind of dip? Not too experienced with fresh water plants, but that stuff is resilient!
My memory is vague on that. It was quite a while back.

I think it was double the dosing rate to the tank for a week or so. The algae turns color and dies off.

Ian, Eric, and Tony are the planted tank gurus.
I did the Flourish excel dosing way back in the day (ok, not that long ago, but about when it hit the market). I ran up to 4x dosing successfully with zero casualties. Of course, I was experimenting with some other stuff at the time. 2x should work well enough (slowly, but noticably) on all the red (look black) algae. They turn red when they are dying or are read. If you see no change in about a week, then yoou can try upping to 3x. Watch your livestock. Plants will be ok at higher rates but some inverts/fish may not be (I've been ok, but YMMV).

Excel is a gluteral aldehyde product..which simply an antiseptic. It is toxic in high enough doses, but ok in low enough doses (the recommended dose).

Excel dosing works amazingly well on black brush/beard and staghorn. Horribly ineffective on things like clado or green spot.

edit: too much excel can nuke your bacterial population, so to play it safe, keep an eye on ammonia. H2O2 is amazing at nuking the bacteria. I would use it to "clean" my tank when I wanted to start out from scratch.
I would cut all flow in the tank and actually spot dose the algae on the plant with excel. Do this at 2-4x dosage every day. I would turn the flow back on after 5 or so minutes.