
Hawkfish Help


Supporting Member
Hey y'all,

I was hoping for some help. Over the past couple weeks my hawkfish has stopped eating well, over the past couple days he has stopped completely. I noticed earlier in the week he had what looked like a missing scale on his head, but this wound has gotten a lot bigger since yesterday and looks terrible. Is this a bacterial infection? What can I do? Do I need to worry about it spreading? :( Thanks.



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Could it be lymphocystis? Not sure on the ID at all esp since it’s not on the fins

Not eating is bad though, have you tried other foods?
Any other fish in the tank bullying the hawkish? Missing scales usually fighting and that would need to be addressed too. Sorry, can’t help with infection question.
I do rods food, which is a mix of everything, usually but with no luck. I've tried frozen Mysis as well. I don't think the other fish are fighting him, not that I have seen. I could try to hatch some baby brine shrimp....
Looks like an internal monster
If it doesn’t eat, not much hope
I would accept the worst
If you can catch it….euthanize
Harsh…but honest
The end is near…
I do rods food, which is a mix of everything, usually but with no luck. I've tried frozen Mysis as well. I don't think the other fish are fighting him, not that I have seen. I could try to hatch some baby brine shrimp....

At this point I would try feeding him anything if he would possibly eat it. How do the other fish look? I would watch things very carefully to make sure it's not something that will spread. The hawkfish to ensure it's not getting worse on him and the other fish to ensure it's not happening to them.

In any case if you see anything progessing be ready for swift action.

+1 to checking out the humble fish fourm. It could be limited to that fish only or it could be something dire. Post videos and pictures of that fish and your other fish their as well. To get answers as quick as you can.
I haven't seen any issues with the other fish, but that is probably my biggest worry is it spreading. I don't have a qt tank, but I might try to get the hawkfish in a bucket today.
I haven't seen any issues with the other fish, but that is probably my biggest worry is it spreading. I don't have a qt tank, but I might try to get the hawkfish in a bucket today.
Your tag says sf, It maybe a bit far for you but I have a few 10 gallon tanks your welcome to have if you want one .

I'm in santa clara myself