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Hello and Intro - JD from SJ


Supporting Member
Hello and Greeting Reefers!

I'm John. Currently living In San Jose.

I've had a "reef" tank back around 2018... a 10 Gallon (that's all I was allowed to have in our apartment at the time) I'll see if I can dig up some pics of that tank. That tank lasted around 2 years when I had a mass die off... which sucked. I just figured it was only 10 gallons so clearly I did something wrong and the small volume of water amplified my stupidity.

Since then I upgraded to a 25 Gallon AIO (Aqua Japan AIO I bought over at Neptune). Although, since my confidence in my ability to provide a stable environment for corals was shot... I've kept only Fish. I recently moved which caused me to completely strip the tank down (and during the move I dropped and broke the rock scape so the rocks have been replaced as well)... its currently cycling now and I want to get back to keeping some corals once the tank is ready.

I've been on this site before, skulking around in the shadows reading posts. Mostly when I needed to try to figure something out. I recently grabbed one of the BAR cards off the counter at Neptune and figured I'd finally join up!

And Since I'm posting this from Work... I should log off and actually work... I'll post some tank pics later this eve and see if I can figure out how to start a tank journal and share my plans for my tank.

Looking forward to learning and meeting reefers from the community.

Welcome to BAR and thanks for becoming a supporting member! Stoked to hear the cards on the counter got your attention too. I'm a newbie to the hobby myself, and so many here have been great help to my confidence in keeping a reef tank. Looking forward to seeing your tank thread if you decide to start one.