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Help-a-reefer: moving to Berkeley

Due to various reasons, we are moving to Berkeley. Yay! With that comes the issues of moving a tank.

I wanted to ask if anyone is in Berkeley who can help me store/hold some zoas and SPS for a week or more while I move my tank?

Similarly, mid/late-October, anyone have time on weekend to help me move my 150 gal tank & stand?

Also, anyone have a good idea how to create/build an external glass "overflow" chamber?

I currently have two holes in back of tank with thin internal overflow. I may take the opportunity to attach an external one and do a correct "silent beananimal overflow.
Anyone know of any good ways to "transport"SPS colonies? Like 2-3 fist large size? Wrap in plastic bag in bucket? Or how keep them separated but prevent tissue loss and/or reduce sliming?
Hahaha! Me too. It'll be more fun to hang with the Berkeley crowd. But I'll be working in the city, but evenings and weekends should be awesome. Good food, good company, and good reefing!

(now to figure out where to put my RODI unit) not sure enough room in the house
If anyone wants to practice tank moving, please see my thread. I need 3 guys for about an hour to move my tank from the garage into the dining room, before my wife kills me. Pizza and beer incentive! The tank is empty, but it's a large 180. Thanks! Sorry for the thread-jack!
Ok, so the current plan is I plan to move my "main tank" next Saturday, the 26th.

Anyone have next Saturday free? I will probably rent a uhaul so I can move my tank and stand at the same time. Along with sump and such.

Helpers are welcome to frags that come off during breakdown. (plan is to move some of these corals before Saturday 26 into a holding tank at new place.).

For those that can help, please PM me.
Also, anyone have those glass suction cup movers? And large moving blankets?
On a separate note, I may move my garage propagation tanks this Saturday so I can use it as an extra holding area. Last part TBD.

I may be able to get help for this move.
Ugh, I wanted to help to "pay it forward" but my parents are in town from Canada and my sister is in town for a conference to Saturday is booked up for me. I do have two moving blankets, if anyone from the SM area is going up to help. Plus two moving dolly things (the carpetted 2x4 frames with coasters)
Anyone able to help this Saturday?

Would love the help. I have one helper lined up and need one or two more peopl to help lift the 150 gal tank into a uhaul and back off in the Berkeley hills.

Lunch on me and you are welcome to any SPS frags that break off as part of move.

PM me if you can help.
Moving tank from Walnut Creek to Berkeley Hills.
Yup! Thanks Erin for all the water vessels!

They have been a great help transporting water from my old place to new place. Moved about 100+ gallons of water.
First trip took like 60 gallons in a uhaul with my propagation tanks (two 60 gallons) plus a 50gal stock tank.

Second trip took 50 gallons in minivan through back roads of Berkeley hills.