Cali Kid Corals

Help BAR

If you plan on attending today's meeting and can come a little early we'll need a couple of people to direct human traffic to the proper room since we are not using the typical area at Chabot we normally use. Find one of the BOD when you arrive and we'll tell you what is up. Also, if you know people that plan on attending please give them a heads up if necessary a phone call to anyone you think might be going, we don't want anyone wandering around confused.

If you see me wandering around confused please direct me to the room :) I swear I'm not a patient of some nearby facility :p
Not at all this time because you can park in both parking lots ;) , I would though, park in parking lot B since that is where most people are used to parking and you'll see some reefers around to guide you. I'll be around, look for a 5'6" white guy with short dark brown hair and a really loud voice :bigsmile:
He may or may not be holding seafood and a surfboard. IF either do not disturb him until either the seafood is gone or all hopes of a good ground swell have evaporated :lol: