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help!!!!GSP mat turns dark red!

this morning I just noticed there is a spot (in the green circle) on my GSP which is turning into dark red. what is this? and how can I treat this? thanks a lot. I want to keep them healthy.
Looks like red cyanobacteria to me, which is relatively common. If you can use your hand to create come local current, and it blows off, I am almost certain it is red cyano. There are a few ways to deal with it. In short you have too many nutrients, so water changes will help, but there are more efficient ways. Manually syphoning as much as you can out is the best thing, then replace with new salt water.

In my tank, I like to use Chemiclean for how efficiently it worked for me. I do modify their recipe and only use ~1/4 to 1/3 a dose, and I drain the wet skim out of the tank and replace with new salt water (I am actually doing it as I type this) as Chemiclean causes the skimmer to froth up and overflow. Pictures of what I do are in my tank journal. Let me/us know if you have any more questions!
Agree, cyanobacteria- aka cyano. Super common, and a big topic.

You can find lots of threads on it. Bottom line is that it isn’t too terrible, and most people who keep it under control have to take a multi-pronged approach. Manually siphoning it out as soon as you see it is probably the most important and straightforward component. Turkey basting it when you can’t siphon it.
thanks for all your advice. just a quick update: turkey baster really can blow them off.
I also searched a little bit, there are a lot folks using Hydrogen peroxide to remove algae. I bought a bottle of Hydrogen peroxide and tried one frag for 2 minutes, it works very well. easy and quick.
Peroxide and turkey basting help.
But you are just treating the symptom.

Check your phosphates!

If you work on it now, when it just a tiny bit of Cyano, it is much easier to deal with.
Peroxide and turkey basting help.
But you are just treating the symptom.

Check your phosphates!

If you work on it now, when it just a tiny bit of Cyano, it is much easier to deal with.
thank you your advice! I will do! right now just a little bit I think.
It's starts as just a little but if you don't get the underlying issue fixed you will be over run before you know it. If you give me a little sample of water I'll test everything for you.
thanks, Eric. I will give you some sample of water if I got time next week.