
Help I.d.

I scraped the two off the frag they road in on hopefully it was only them two is there a certain fish/shrimp or something that eats them?
What kinda zoas was it on the plug?

I may not have the same ones, but I have a few didferent types, i'd be willing to give u a frag if u wanna toss that one u have away to elimnate the risk of those things spreading in ur tank
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worse than aptasia, just ask @rygh
Majanos are HORRIBLE. I had thousands.

But ... those don't really look like Majanos to me.
From pictures, they have distinct bulbs at the end.
They really strike me more as a tiny baby bubble tip anemone.

Still, I would not risk it.
Don't scrape the Majanos off. Carefully cut a tiny bit of rock around what you actually want to keep, mount that on a new rock, then throw the rest out.