
Help me find one or two CBB's that are eating

The tank's looking pretty good considering a lot of things. The aptasia are driving me wild. I still believe a Copper Band Butterfly or two would be the best solution for me. Please let me know if you get a line on one or two that are eating food. Thanks!
Why not get a zapper and have fun, the Texas way?
Kalk milky DIY stuff worked for a few I had in the "office" tank.
I'll keep my eyes open for CBB's earlier I had a snow flake eel, can you believe it?
It's very hard to get a cbb to eat. I bought one from UA and it was eating at the store. It ate the pe mysis and frozen bloodworms. One day it stopped eating and chilled at the corner and it died the following day. :( I had it for 3 weeks. The latest one I bought from Lucky Ocean. It's smaller and didn't eat. The first week was tough. I'd baste food in front of him til he ate. About 1.5 weeks he started eating the pe mysis and frozen bloodworms. He had lympho on his nose and stopped eating for a week. I thought it was the end of him. As it went away he started to eat again but only bloodworms. So basically that's all I feed him now x2 a day soaked in selcon. From my experience with these guys is that you have to basically spoon feed them to eat. You can't just dump in frozen food and have him go after it. You have to bust out the syringe and spray the food in front of his face til he eats. Good Luck! :)
John, I've got some extra Peppermints that have wiped out aptasia long ago and now are more of a nuisance stealing food from my LPS. They're good sized- fully grown. Have you tried a large peppermint in your tank or are all peppermints in your tank a meal for the hungry carnivores?
Bill!!!!! I'd love to take a couple mega-pep's off your hands. I'll still need the CCB's, though, and they are one of my favorite fish. I've lost two over the last few years that both looked pretty promising, at first. I'm ready to give it a dedicated effort to keep a couple lively and happy. I've got enough aptasia to gag a magot. Mario: I've seen the video on the zapper and may well grab one just for the sport. Yeah, I'm a twisted little monkey! J) Anyone stocking the zapper as yet? Kyle mentioned them to me when I was at AC recently. Hmmmmmmmm