Cali Kid Corals

Help. Strange Tissue Recession


Past President
Let me start that I now have had confirmation from 2 very reliable reefers (one of who has had them before) as well as my own observations that it is not AEFW nor is it red bugs.

Ok so here is the story. Several of my acros and millis are STNing from the base. This has been going on for several weeks now and again the recession is very very slow. All of my monti's, chalices, acans, micros and zoas and several other acros and millis look great.

Here is what I have done since making this discovery

1) test my water about every 3rd day. All parem's check out. (1.025-1.026 sal, 11dkh, 425 CA, 1400 MG temp 77.8 ph 8.4)

2) took my calcium reactor off line (before I did this my ph hovered around 8.0-7.9 and my alk was a little higher). Note this was happening before I took it off line and still continues.

3) Did some good sized water changes with something other then the usual salt mix I have been using (reef crystals). Aside from my normal 5% a week water changes I did several 20 and 30% water changes with store bought NSW.

4) fragged off the recession from a couple of the corals.

5) There is no pattern to the recession. That is it isn't in one are of my tank.

6) current tank inhabitents (1 Foxface, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 harlequin shrimp, maybe 4 turbo snails, and possibly 2 emerald crabs (I haven't seen them in quite a while.

I have seen some astrenas on the front glass but they look like the harmless diatom eating ones and I do not see any around the affected corals.

So with that ....... any thoughts? I am not sure what else to try. I have at least in the interim fraged a couple of pieces from the affected corals and did a 15 min dip in TMPCC followed by a 5 min dip in Revive Coral Cleaner and accelerated the startup of my frag tank (which is not on line with my main tank).
I had that happen to me starting last summer. Same symptoms as yours.

Lost my Tyree blue mille, Karl Candlelight, Aquascene echinata, most of my Cali tort, various other acros and milles that I've had for a while.

Fragging didn't help.

Most recently I'd been thinking it was something in the Reef Crystals salt that's not the usual stuff we test. Don't know what else unless it some kind of biological pathogen.

I mean, who loses Cali tort, y'know?
Yes the recession seemed to continue.

Thought it might be the salt too, but I did do a couple of fairly big water changes with some water from a LFS that did not use reef crystals and it didn't seem to help. Thought it might me something in my top off water too but again tried some different types and still happening. A few seem to have stabilized and the non receeding part looks good (good coloration, good PE).

I am totally perplexed.
Me too. No idea what it is. Any temp fluctuations?

I was doing some research on it, and it seems that it happens but no one knows why. SUCK
No temp fluctuations for me.

When it was happening, my acros were kind of "pale" looking. Not that pastel zeo look, but kinda dull and pale. Don't know if that was a coincidence.

Towards the end of last year, the random stn kinda stopped or slowed down a lot.

But a few weeks ago, I started seeing it again on milles and a couple acros. The pink lemonade frag is looking dull and pale now too.

Throughout all this I've been losing a couple random frags periodically. It really seems like it's after a water change. Did 12 gallons on the 90g frag system. Lost a 20k Lokani frag.
hmmm,seem like this happen to me last month also.that how i lost my pink lemonade colony,all parameter is right on.i thought astarina got something to do with it too,i bought 3 harliquin shrimps put in my tank but my wrass kill them all with in 3 hours.since then ,i took my nirate reactor off line,big water change, improve flow,change carbon every 2 week,change rowa every month,still one of my millie still rtn but the rest of my colony stop RTN .seem can't pinpoint what the problem is.:)

alright so far we're all use reef crystal,use the same water source.all have the same problem.something is building up in our reef that we're can't test for.hmm

There is also the idea that its a pathogen, and that some corals, even some frags/colonies of the same coral in the same tank, build up and immunity and some dont.
Along the lines of pathogen... is anybody running a UV sterilizer?

If it's an organic contaminant, carbon should help. I don't run carbon though.

Alk, pH, Ca, Mg, PO4 we test, so those should be ok.

Anybody run polyfilter or similar? I have some but haven't used it.
I run carbon through fairly regularly.

At first it seemed to hit my smaller frags and colonies

3 different colonies of millis
tyree bali tricolor
oregon tort
my acropora vaghandi
jeremy's false aqua delight
jeremy's granulosa

Most recently it has hit some of my larger ones

my burning spear tongan acro, my blue tipped acro and my paletta lovelli and my blue tenuis

I haven't totally lost anything to date, but a couple are close to wasting away.
UV could be one of my cure.i use to run my UV all the time,then i turn it off since i didn't add any fishes for 3 months.since i turn on my UV the rtn since seem to stop on my large colony but it's could been water change ,carbon change ,rowa's seem to affect fast growing frags and full far i had been running my UV 24-7. since i just add some fishes resently.

Yep, seemed like it was the faster growing ones and large colonies for me too. I originally thought it was low alk, but I don't think so any more.

The UV would be an interesting thing to compare.
Same thing happened to me when I was using RC.

I only lost a couple of corals, When I finally was able to get my hands on a bucket of TM it stopped. I know purely anecdotal, but I really don't change my very basic routine at all, and that was the only change that I had made (I keep records of H2O changes params etc.).
Had this issue myself. It would slowly start at the base on the acros. Both monti started receding in patches in the middle (on the aussie, it was on the raise edges).

So far it has affected the following (recession rates):

blue mille (15%) - fastest grower in the tank
paletta lovelii (40%)
aussie monti (40%)
sunset monti (40%)
green base red polyp mille (40%)
raspberry lemonade (100%)

The STN has stopped for the moment and I hope I'm past it. It ate about 40% and then stopped all of a sudden. Before it stopped, I didn't run any carbon or GFO (just started this past week). Added the sixline wrasse to the tank a couple of weeks ago, but the STN stopped before then.

Everything else in the tank is unaffected. Temperatures are stabilize via chiller and ranges from 77-80°F. Still using RC, but from a different bucket.

Montis: 6 total, 2 affected
Acros: 26 total, 3 affected, 1 terminal

Not sure if this stuff is contagious or not, but I picked it up around the same time that I added the lovelii and the sunset.
Mine started about the time I added that NY coral to the tank (probably just a cooincidence though). The lovelli, the burning spear and the blue tipped acro I had in DBTC only started going south maybe 2 weeks ago.

Still haven't had any effects on my montis or LPS at all, and all of my recession is from the base up.

Oh and I forgot one other thing to add to the oddity. Whereever I have fragged a coral it seems to heal up find and put out new growth even though it is receding from the bottom.