Reef nutrition

Help w/ PBT in QT

Hello everyone, hoping someone can help. I have a powder blue in QT that has gone dark in color and is swimming in his side and upside down. He’s been in the tank for about a week now with no issues until this morning. When I purchased him I noticed a weird discoloration in the middle of his body, but I waited to observe to see what would happen.

So far I’ve gave him a 1 hour dip before putting him into the QT of ParaGuard. Not sure what to do next to try and save him. Thanks for any help!
I don’t have great advice for this particular case but a couple points for the next purchase-

1. I would never buy fish direct from the wholesaler shipment at the fish store. I think they are called parking lot sales? There are always losses and sick fish coming in those buys, and basically it’s a way for the fish store to move the risk and cost of dead/dying fish from his store to you.

2. Dark coloration and a prominent line running their length in tangs isn’t necessarily bad. They change their coloration when stressed and also normally at night or in low light. It’s actually kind of amazing how much they can change their coloration.

If you haven’t already, I’d do a big water change on that small tank in case it’s ammonia or something like that. Best of luck, I hope he makes it for you.
Don’t tell me you buy things from 6th ave?!?
I hope nobody else around here is doing bag sales.
No it wasn’t, but I have bought form 6th Ave before with no issues especially when putting it through quarantine. I know it can be a risk but I know what risk I take that’s why I QT first. But this fish was purchased when it first arrived at LFS so it was floating so that may of been my first mistake. Always wanted a PBT so took this risk, live an learn.
It was sold to you in a bag? Did you buy it straight off a wholesale shipment or something? Acclimating fish from long haul shipments like that takes a lot more care as I learned from this post from Michael at Bay Bridge Aquarium
Thanks for the reference, that makes a lot of sense. Possibly why things showed up late with issues because it was already internally affected by the ammonia.