High Tide Aquatics

Hey Gresham!

Gresham, Email/PM me about your reactor! I'm cutting one this weekend and I need to know how tall you want it. If you get the info to me by the time I set up the saw, I can have yours done early this week (ish, of course!)

Crud, I'm not getting squat from MR as far as notifications goes :(

I replied over there Brett. Chief, I'll go look for that PM now, sorry it's been over a month :(
Since I built 4, the price came out to $117.30 each. I think- at one point I stopped entering things into the spread sheet I started.

That doesn't include labor, it also didn't include perishable tools like router bits, saw blades, ect. It also didn't include things like acrylic glue, heat shrink, tie wraps. All the stuff I had around here.
what did you use to cut the tube, I just bought a 6 ft peice to make a few kalk reactors, not as fancyas yours I plan on placing a pump inside the tube w/ a hose run to the bottom to stir the kalk, I was going to try to setup a router in a jig to cut a square edge on the tube, any ideas??

tuberider, what up I tried PMing you about thermos, get it touch with me.
I used my mitre saw with a run-off table. I couldn't get it to just chop through, so I had to improvise.

Clamp a stop block at the length you want the tube.

Bring the saw down (running) until it barely cuts through the tube

Rotate tube while holding the saw in the same position.

Then I cleaned up the edges with a lot of sanding. Put a full sheet of sandpaper on a REALLY flat surface, and rotate the tube so it stays square.

I tried the router table, and it didn't work. I tried a circular saw and it didn't either.
