Re: antibiotic resistance, I agree. I kept the dipping up for four repetitions, and made sure I added some bleach to the dipping container prior to dumping it. I considered doing the same to water taken from the tank for water changes prior to dumping, but rationalized 1) not a lot of bacteria in the water column, and 2) antibiotic resistance is typically selected against in the absence of antibiotics, so I eschewed that step.
It's interesting that the person in that Aquabiomics study saw success (taken at face value, given lack of controls, photos, etc), but the thought of treating my entire tank with antibiotics fills me with more than a little anxiety (particularly since you're adding selective pressure in the form of an antibiotic for every microorganism in the tank). Even with reasonable precautions such as bleaching, etc. I'd rather not use antibiotics for any corals, except as an absolute last-ditch effort, and - if it wasn't for the fact this was a sizable holy grail torch - I definitely wouldn't have used an antibiotic dip.
It's interesting that the person in that Aquabiomics study saw success (taken at face value, given lack of controls, photos, etc), but the thought of treating my entire tank with antibiotics fills me with more than a little anxiety (particularly since you're adding selective pressure in the form of an antibiotic for every microorganism in the tank). Even with reasonable precautions such as bleaching, etc. I'd rather not use antibiotics for any corals, except as an absolute last-ditch effort, and - if it wasn't for the fact this was a sizable holy grail torch - I definitely wouldn't have used an antibiotic dip.