got ethical husbandry?

Hikari - Bio Pure Mysis

Elite said:
How do you break the cycle Jeremy? Do a lot of wc?

I start with one large water change (~50%) siphoning out as much algae as possible (ideally all). Most of the time that works.

If that doesn't work I break out the chemicals, but usually the water change works.
Good question, have no idea but I figure it's just smaller of what they normally sell.
I notice my fish don't "fatten up" too well on hikari mysis if they start out thin. I don't like feeding it for that reason. I got better results from sfbay/h2olife mini mysis.

This stuff also seemed to be a good alternative to PE mysis, didn't foul the water so quickly, and there's a variety of sizes in a single package. Too bad my current fish have tiny mouths and are stuck with mini-sized food.