Neptune Aquatics

Hollywood Stunner Chalice in Mountain View

OH YEAH I am all over that experiment! If anybody else wants a piece of the curly growth one, please post as soon as you can because I have to bring my frags home from school this afternoon.
(One group of students is not keen on the idea because our lone surviving big brittle star hangs out in the center of the cup formation. These are the same students who stopped algae scrubbing one side of the tank because a shrimp "attacked them" when they tried to clean there and decided to triple the feeding amount without telling me so "everyone would get enough food.")
Sounds suspiciously like some of my most annoying clients.
I'll do the experiment with you guys. @ashburn2k, can you bring me a frag too?

Also, Maureen, if you have a frag of that green montepora to replace the one I managed to kill, I can continue the last experiment.

That projection to the left of the red one that looks like a rock is actually the skeletal remains of the green one.
We're adding some into a coral skeleton activity for marine class and ocean acidification lab for entire grade and possibly other schools. Also saving some as evidence in case anyone in my district pulls another unannounced no-climate-control-during-nights-and-vacations switcheroo. I can see what I have to share, though. Thanks for the referral.
Sorry @Flagg37, my only monti cap is a tiny piece of green in the frag tank. Your skeleton looks better than mine after summer heat disaster:
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I will bring you a frag of my stunner to see how fast it changes to that fast brown growth mode in your tank. I'm guessing your alk, nutrients, flow and/or temps are higher... we can compare notes.

I will bring you a grape monti that chipped off your E=MC3 and turned into its own frag, and purple haze monti. Purple haze monti looks best when it's growing and old growth browns out... if you've got a fast growth chemistry happening it should look great in your tank. Would be interesting to find out anyway :)
Thanks @Chromis ! That would be great. Actually, the big tank has been out of whack since summer problem, but on its way to settling down. Weird growth has always been like that, though. Very interested to see what happens.
I love the experiment ideas...all very cool. You gotta keep us posted. I got a big frag from ash burn today. Had I been on it, I would of asked for a frag from MolaMola.

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Not sure where you live, but our Stunner is stunningly large, plus a stray frag from when I reaquascaped last year is now a colony, so we have two. In Pleasant Hill.