High Tide Aquatics

How are your torches doing from the GB for purple/green tipped torches?


Supporting Member
I'm just currious to know how everyone's frags are doing.
Mine are doing so so. Not sure why but I added Vibrant to the tank to help clean up a bacterial bloom; but as soon as the 1/2 dose of Vibrant into the tank, the torches and elegance closed up.
A few days later the elegance opened up but the torches stayed retracted. A week later I added the same dose of Vibrant and the same thing occured. This was about 2 months ago and the torches have been retracted ever since. The elegance bounces back fast and is healthy.

Anyone have pics of their purple/green tipped torches from the Ebay GB?
Mine was doing amazing till yesterday. First pic was two days ago. Second pic is this morning. The polyps are still in there so I have my fingers crossed...
I got mine before the GB so I’ve had it a month or two longer. But the 3 head piece is now a 2 head and a 4 head piece. It arrived 3 branches with almost 6 mouths though
Bought a 3-headed torch from tankguy during his tank liquidation. He got this piece from this group buy and the torch is doing great so far.
Mines doing well. Started as 2 heads that were splitting and it’s up to almost 6 fraggable heads now. Really like the texture on the tentacles.


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I bought two frags.

One piece never really opened up/extended and BJD'd within the first 72 hours of having it. I suspect it was injured during transport.

The second piece is happily trucking along and is doing great.
Anecdotal, but I know my favia and blasto looked unhappy when I dosed vibrant. Those were the 2 Lps in the tank, didn’t have any euphyllia