Neptune Aquatics

How should I place my powerheads


I am getting 2 K4's on Sunday to add to my 120. I already have 2 k#'s in there but they are not providing enough flow. SO it occured to me, with 4 powerheads, how should I possition them.

Right now I have the 2 k3's on oppisite sides of the tank, on the back wall. They are about 1/2 way up the wall, angled towards the top and pointed in the direction of the front of the tank.

I thought about replacing where my k4's are k3's are now and moving the k3's more toward my overflow. but still keeping them pointed up and about 1/2 way from the bottom.

What do you guys think and how do you detrime where to place your powerheads?
Yea it's the standarad size. So put both k4's on one side (for instance left side) and both k3's on the back side (on the left)?
Well I was thinking a K4 on each side, that is unless you really utilize one side.

Koralia pumps really are a bit too diffuse to push water 4 feet with much oomph.

Of course a lot of your placement should compliment your rockwork/corals more so than having "the way to do it"
I was just looking for seggustions. What you said is pretty close to what I was thinking. I am gonna try to push most the the water back to front from 4 different locations, Since I have a center overflow it seems loke this would be the best use.

I am thinking 2 x k3's half way between overflow and side of tank, down low pushing up and towards the front, 2 x k4's at back corners, pushing down and towards front toward rockwork.

The pointing the returns, toward the bottom back wall, this way I think all water will be pushed back to front (and not difuse flow) and then exit .
I'd create a gyre effect with them. One on each corner shooting so they all build on each other rather then shooting against each other.