Hey guys... I got a new pole the other week on Wednesday because my brother bought me one. I don't have the detail of the pole yet, but I will post it up. All I know he bought an Ugly stik, Medium uses for macro(is that how we spell it? Correct me if I'm wrong please.), Rockcod, Smelt(is that how we spell it? Correct me if I'm wrong please.), and other fish I can handle. Saturday, August 26, 09, I went out with my brother and relatives in Half Moon Bay, Ca and fish on his Farallon, 30 foot boat. I had a blast until I drank tea. It was my fault though, he warned me "...not to eat, nor drink on the boat because it will make you sick." I gotten thirsty, I drank a couple sip of tea and gotten sea sick. Though he told me I caught a feel great amount of fish and I just gave him all of it to cover the gas and time for returning me into the port. At least I have something to talk about in experience on a boat, and the feeling on a boat. I still glad I went.