Reef nutrition

How to keep cat away from my house?

I cant tell you what to do, because this is public..

It is a multi step process to rid yourself of excess cats. Mostly because we live in a liberal controlled fuzzy feelin society that has lost touch with reality. Charging a man w/ felony cruelty for defending his animals from an aggresive wild animal is a perfect example. ( he shouldnt have warned the neighbor)

If the city will not provide a trap, they are affordable enough @ you local hardware store. Buy one and "relocate" them. "Relocate" them to where you conciance leads. Relocate them to a box at the pounds front door? Relocate them to the dog section of the pound ;)

Whatever you choose to do, I recomend you are quiet about it. Never forget, you can rape and pilage get 5 years. You get cought hurting a fuzzy creature and they will burry you!
One of the previous urls talked about relocation actually increasing the population of wild cats due to decreased competition for resources.

Capture, neuter, and release works better and has been used as a strategy for controlling a variety of pests.

It's good when the animals are out there competing for resources and being unable to reproduce due to shooting blanks.
You notice I said relocate to the local shelter.. they automaticly neuter.

I am a little country. We shoot cats for being to far from a house. Cats are the only animal other than humans that kill for fun (that I know if anyway) They can decimate natural game bird populations.
We dont shoot housecats or ranch cats.. but they are "fixed" and have a purpose. We absolutley shoot feral cats on site.
I cant recomend this practice here because you'll get hauled away if someone feels bad for their little butt.

I do agree about turning un-neutered/ spayed cats to the wild. They populate like rats.
Feeding feral cats should be a criminal act.
I trained a local cat to stay outa my yard. " You can put an eye out with that thing".

I have a huge rescue cat so any bunny huggers save their breath. Hes sleeping w/ my huge rescue dog in the living room.
If you're going to get a trap Habour Frieght has them. Don't know the price but in general they seem to be less expensive than everywhere else.

If the cats are feral and just being fed this organization may come out and trap. spay, and adopt out (I'm guessing that you're in SJ):

Well put Big Mac.
I still think the sensing sprinkler could be a successful solution. Yes you might have to walk away from the front lawn and warn your family, but getting sprayed is no bid deal, it's not that much water. You can control the direction of the sensor, so maybe you could arrange it so the sidewalk is safe from being sprayed and another option is putting it on a timer so it only has water flowing to it during the times the cats go on your lawn.
Once the cats learn they get sprayed they should stay away and you could turn the sprinkler off and walk up the front entrance.
You're welcome to borrow mine if you want to try it out. My neighbors cat has been 'trained'. :D
To be honest with you guys I don't really know what's the different between feral, house, ranch, homeless cats LOL ... They're all look like cat to me :bigsmile: ... I just know the cats are coming from her house because they always run back to her house when I chase them away night. They don't come to my house during the day. You can see them sitting on her fence during the day.

Norm, I think the guy behind reported her but the city didn't do anything.

Thanks everyone for the info. I will try each method to see which one will work for these cats..
Elite said:
Norm, I think the guy behind reported her but the city didn't do anything.
It's about resources, risk management, and prioritization.

Report and let the city know that you are concerned about your young kids getting injured/sick by the diseased wild cats that she's attracting to the neighborhood.

If you put them on notice by identifying a potential hazard, they might be slightly more inclined to send someone to talk to her. No guarantees, but worth a try. Get a few others to report her too.
Note that "relocating" them to say - the mayors house- while possibly fun
civil disobedience, is technically illegal.
Once you trap them, they are your responsibility. So that would be abandoning an animal.

With all the budget cuts, I can see why they would not come out, and why the traps are no longer free.
But to charge you to drop them off, after you have done their job, is really over the top.
Maybe call around nearby smaller cities for free drop off.

We did call Union City animal control about a loose pit bull, and they were out within an hour.
So all depends where you live.
rygh said:
Note that "relocating" them to say - the mayors house- while possibly fun
civil disobedience, is technically illegal.
Once you trap them, they are your responsibility. So that would be abandoning an animal.
But apparently, since it's ok to feed these cats, someone could leave a trail of sardines from your neighbor's house all the way to the mayor's house :D
If the cats are crapping everywhere call the Health Dept esp. if there are children around that might get into it. Check and see if they're using the local playground sandbox. Cities frown on the little snowflakes not having a sterile environment to play in.....

My wife bought some spike plastic tray from Japanese market and put them everywhere. Haven't have a lot of issue lately. Hopefully they stop coming over :D ..