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I get to go to Budapest to work for two weeks :D

Hi Erick,

I just got back a few weeks ago and had a blast. Budapest is happening. Great food, great prices, lot of places to party or relax. Budapest will blow you away. The people are nice, it's safe and inexpensive. Make sure you have a Pilsner Urequell at the Hotel Gellert restaurant patio after sunset and skip their spa (it's overrated) Instead use the spa at the Szechenye Baths instead. they're outside and the whirl pool area outside is a lot of fun too. Parking can be tough all over, and rush hour is almost worse than Manhattan, but they are more courteous drivers and mostly laid back. You're going to love it, or your money back. Remember this- Don't use the money exchange places or let people exchange money for you on the street. Go to the Castle District, have a Retes at the Retes Var (which is Hungarian Strudel and say "Hi to Peter for me and Susan in California." He may still remember us)) Try the Macos one it's poppy seeds with cherries. Yum) You may want to spend as much time as you can there (it's posh and there is a lot to do there) Go to Margaret Island and relax by the water front, Walk around at night (it's totally safe. When figuring out the currency (Forints) knock off two zeros, then divide in half to figure US equivalent (ie: 500 Forint for a bear is actually $2.50 US). No one will take dollars, so carry your credit card and stock up on Forints. The Hungarians are smart, by not accepting other currencies other than Euros, they can control the currency fluctuations better for you currency traders out there). Also, don't freak out about the language: It is difficult, but most people except the old folks speak great English (they all get it as a mandatory language in school) It will help you to learn Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Thank you and Your welcome. I know all these words and more, so you'll figure it out.

Let me know what you thought when you get back.

Here are some selected photos I think will get you stoked: Click on photo
to enlarge and get more detail....

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Hey Erick,

Bummer. :(

You can always watch my videos if you have any interest in Budapest, Hungary (I may have some digital files I can upload to YouTube) . Hungary is referred to as the Paris of Eastern Europe.

Sorry to hear the trip fell trough. I hate when that happens. My wife and I were suppose to go to St Petersburg last June, but my wife became slightly ill, and did not want to chance going abroad (good thing we always buy trip insurance).

Life is too short not to travel, so get going while the going is good.

What sort of work do you do if you don't mind me asking?
