Cali Kid Corals

I need help holding some corals

As you guys know, Nav had to break down his tank.

He had some DBTC corals that needed to be collected. Unfortunately there is way more than I can hold in my tank right now. I've put as much as I can but my corals are literally bumping into each other.

The plan for these corals was to frag them up and bring them to the swap for club members. So you only need to hold them till the swap. Hopefully you can frag them as well, if not, me or someone can come help frag them.

There is a large colony of green birdsnest and 2 big Montiporas left and some ponape

Please let me know if anyone can help. Need them picked up ASAP.

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Where are you located. If you cant find anyone i'll can hold them. I think in the last couple of weeks my alk/calc/mag have just about stabalized (at least they are within range and not dropping or spiking)