Cali Kid Corals

Ice Fire Echinata

It didn't get stolen then? Is my briefcase and Karma by it by any chance?
Sergio you qualify for one of the frags. Still have one left (recall DBTC karma >5 ).

If you aren't sure go under your profile and click your DBTC tab which will show your karma.
Since no one is biting at this one I thought I would try to convince you that I am a worthy candidate.
My 215 gallon tank is about a year and a half old.
(My 85 gallon was set up for over 5 years before I upgraded)
Karma is getting better and I have at least 15 frags to deliver at the October meeting.
I donated about 10 frags to BAR at BAYMAC
I brought 20 plus nice frags to the BAR swap (took home 5)

You just seem to have the really nice stuff!