Dear Salt Water Aquarium Enthusiast,
IceCap, inc. is not out of business but has idled its operations to assess a path forward. There are those in the industry that would like to see the demise of IceCap, Inc. to profit from the absorption of IceCap’s customers and to provide me-to products they will have readily available. If IceCap fails, the Salt Water enthusiast with IceCap products will be hurt in the end as they will have to purchase a different brand of product and/or not get service.
To the benefit of the enthusiast, if IceCap fails I will disclose all product cost information about IceCap’s and similar products in the industry and the associated mark-ups. I will expose the suto-white knights that artificially showed interest to acquire IceCap only to turn their backs to wait for a demise to feed off the opportunity of desperate customers. I will gladly share this information to allow the enthusiast to leverage pricing and cost knowledge to assert pressure on retailers, distributors, and manufacturers to gain a better consumer pricing advantage for an expensive venture.
Posted by: Chuck Troiani
December 16th, 2010 at 3:47 pm