Cali Kid Corals

ID Please

He makes me crazy when he does that..

He'll tell you how broke he is and when you try to buy stuff from his tank he says no.
BigMac said:
He makes me crazy when he does that..

He'll tell you how broke he is and when you try to buy stuff from his tank he says no.

The beauty of coral is that it grows and can be fragged. I'm glad Mario started this thread and hopefully I can get a piece (no pressure, HA).

OK, update on this piece, is definitely not BBF, got a BBF from AC and both are way different in color; the one from AC has what I thought, "pastel" like coloration.
Chris has some nice pieces worthy of fragging but the frigging guy has to be there to frag :)
BTW if someone is looking for Corn-Field chalice, he has some radiant ones !!!