got ethical husbandry?

IM Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g (Ultimate Snowflake Breeding Pair)


Supporting Member
This tank is about 10 years old. I bought this from someone whose parrots kept drinking the tank water and would not stop.

Tank is an Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion AIO 10g, Kessil 350W Tuna Blue with gooseneck mount, Eshopps Nano Protein Skimmer 10-15gal, Eheim Jager 50w (Finnex 50w w/controller to replace it in a month or two), SmartATO Lite with a 5 gallon RODI jug for a reservoir, stock media basket (will upgrade to inTank media basket), stock return pump, Innovative Marine random flow generator nozzle for water return.

The tank contains an Ultimate Snowflake Clownfish breeding pair, unnamed. There is one snail in the tank, a Duncan, a Hammer, and 3 Bubbletip Anemones. I introduced 3 frags in the tank about two weeks ago - one Acan (unsure what variety, a nice copper-green?), a Holy Grail Micromussa w/12 heads, and a 3-polyp designer Zoa (unsure what variety, quite fiery looking) that the male has taken an interest in.

She is about 6 or 7 years old, and he is young, 1 or 2. The tank itself is about 10 years strong.
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Yeah, this isn’t my favorite situation ever. They were all fine together until I did my weekly 10% water change. The only variable that was changed was the salt mix, from the orange bag to Red Sea 8.


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That green acan looks like the BSA Killshot acan. One of my favorites. Wish I still had it.
Thank you lots for the ID! I nor the person I bought it from had any idea what kind of Acan it was, but I think you're dead on. In different lighting it definitely pops like some of the ones I referenced from TCK's website. Dang, he just tossed it in for me because I really liked it, too! I'll have to let him know.

I grabbed the 3 polyp Zoas (Magicians?), Holy Grail Micromussa, and the BSA Killshot Acan for about a hundred if I recall, and I wanted to buy so much more because the selection was so wonderful. I told myself I'd go back and get a colony and sponge when I prove that I can take care of these 3 first. His torch collection was stellar, and all he had for anemones was a sump full of Colorado Sunbursts. I should go back and grab one for my clownfish...
Thank you lots for the ID! I nor the person I bought it from had any idea what kind of Acan it was, but I think you're dead on. In different lighting it definitely pops like some of the ones I referenced from TCK's website. Dang, he just tossed it in for me because I really liked it, too! I'll have to let him know.

I grabbed the 3 polyp Zoas (Magicians?), Holy Grail Micromussa, and the BSA Killshot Acan for about a hundred if I recall, and I wanted to buy so much more because the selection was so wonderful. I told myself I'd go back and get a colony and sponge when I prove that I can take care of these 3 first. His torch collection was stellar, and all he had for anemones was a sump full of Colorado Sunbursts. I should go back and grab one for my clownfish...
Definitely give your tank some time before going with the expensive anemones. I would say a couple of months. Unless this is for one of the tanks you already have them in it I saw. They are already proven to be able to sustain anemones.
The cords might look messy but I definitely know what goes to what, I might go further and organize them again when I move the Red Sea 130D.
Super happy with the two tanks on the same stand. It’s from Petco, but I don’t recommend putting any more weight than like a 25g on the top shelf where the Ultimate Snowflake Clownfishs’ tank is. It’s meant for a terrarium, but I and others have found it holds up if you don’t let it get soggy wet, and if you don’t put anything above 40g on it. The section that the Clarkii tank is sitting on is doubly reinforced compared to the hinged surface that is significantly less bolstered.