got ethical husbandry?

I'm only happy when it rains...


Supporting Member
... ok not really.

But man tells me where I need to do fix up stuff around the house.

First issue... retarded DirecTV installer guy decided to put the satellite dish on top of a drain's vent pipe, because it's easier or something... unfortunately he didn't exactly make sure the pipe was secure enough. So sure enough in all the dry time between the installation when it was really windy the big dish acted like a sail and rocked the pipe around... and yeah that broke whatever seal was on it. So I have to cut a hole in the ceiling of one of the closets to secure the pipe (no access up there), and then reseal around the roof once it dries up... yeah I sent a nasty letter to DirecTV.

Second issue, apparently a crack on the outside of stucco will allow rain water to come all the way inside through the same crack! :D I knew the crack was there but never guessed that would happen. Anyone have any quick hints on stucco repair?

Third issue, might be related to the second, is water is somehow seeping through the walls under the staircase... don't know if that means I need to re-caulk all around the perimeter of the stairs or if its a nice San Francisco neighbor thing where his walls are leaking and they're just seeping through mine.

So yeah.. meh, work that needs to be done.. don't know if I really want to be on the roof though with all this wind blowing and wet slipperyness :D
Sound like you don't have an issue with ants. It seems like some of the ants have come in to dwell inside my home because their home is flooded.
I used to have an ant issue, not sure if I actually put down enough poison to kill the colony off or not... I'm sure I'll find out within the next day or so as the yard gets flooded :D

Ants I can deal with though as I can lay down that poison chalk. But leaks.. whole lot of issues with those.
It's really coming down in Foster City. I like it, but mostly cause I am working from home, and don't have to go out at all :)
Erick said:
It's really coming down in Foster City. I like it, but mostly cause I am working from home, and don't have to go out at all :)

I usually take a walk around the lagoon on my break. It looks like I won't be today. Maybe a quick run to Safeway for me. :)
sfsuphysics said:
Second issue, apparently a crack on the outside of stucco will allow rain water to come all the way inside through the same crack! :D I knew the crack was there but never guessed that would happen. Anyone have any quick hints on stucco repair?
Wind driven rain is brutal.
Almost any home will leak with the right amount of wind and rain but.....

Elastomeric paint and elastomeric calk can work well if applied correctly.
Stupid me didn't secure a big piece of glass outside. It broke into million pieces. I'm gonna have fun cleaning up that |( ..
JAR said:
sfsuphysics said:
Second issue, apparently a crack on the outside of stucco will allow rain water to come all the way inside through the same crack! :D I knew the crack was there but never guessed that would happen. Anyone have any quick hints on stucco repair?
Wind driven rain is brutal.
Almost any home will leak with the right amount of wind and rain but.....

Elastomeric paint and elastomeric calk can work well if applied correctly.

Tell me about it, I put my snow suit (non insulated) over my clothes when I went to work yesterday, and man that was smart because that rain was going sideways!.

Thanks for the links. Yeah seems like a stucco caulk to fix the crack, and then paint over it. I bought 25 gallons of elastomeric paint too to redo the paint on the epdm roof a few weeks ago when it was on sale, think I might wait until some drier times though :D
If you have any issues getting the dish aimed correctly, I have an inline satellite finder that you could use. It's saved me a lot of tweeking when setting up sat dishes.
Thanks John. originally when I set up my first one I just cranked the TV to max volume and used the in-menu satellite finder that changed tones when you got closer :D However the dish is now on the roof and that won't quite work... unless my chimney is in the vicinity. But the dish itself is still pointed correctly, it's just the constant mini rocking that it has done has most likely cracked the roofing sealant around the pipe or something (I haven't gone up to check it out yet).
You could use your cell phone and house phone to hear it :lol: