High Tide Aquatics

I'm such a showoff!



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And I'm a pretty bad photographer. It's even more inspiring in person. Every once in a great while I see a piece I feel is a real gem and i make a point of picking it up. Unfortunately this time it wasn't cheap...
Top pic is a micro, 2nd pic is either an acan bowerbanki or maxima. The correct way to ID stony corals is through skeletal analysis and you'll notice that "Corals of the World" has a skeletal key for every species. Short of that, I think you go by rough, external morphology, hence the lack of species name for my micro and the tentative species name on the acan.
Show the new one we picked up at PFS, the branching hairy one :)
Yup, I'd say so. Getting that droopy "I'm growing" look I associate with happy chalices and definitely heading in the right direction color-wise. Just thought you'd like to see your baby fat and happy!