Reef nutrition

Interceptor ?

After not adding anything to my tank for more than 6 months, I’ve found red bugs eating at my acros. Can someone help me find interceptor to treat for them? Or a vet that will prescribe it? It’s a 250g tank. Thanks!
I prescribe Dr. Wrasse! They eat bugs and keep everything at bay. Especially in a 250 gallon, there are a large number of wrasses that will help. Melanurus and corris are two of my favorite in my tank.
I know it sounds crazy but call Your local Vet and explain to them what you are going to use it for. You will find one who will sell it to you. That’s how I used to get mine back in the day.
I know it sounds crazy but call Your local Vet and explain to them what you are going to use it for. You will find one who will sell it to you. That’s how I used to get mine back in the day.
I did this to get cipro for a lot cheaper than fishflox cost. Explained that I use it to treat infections in carpet anemones. She wasn't hesitant at all, I did spend half an hour talking to her about it because she was interested.

If your tank will support them, pipe fish are excellent at hunting redbugs.

A yellow coris wrasse is always a good choice too.
Thank you for your help everyone. My vet acted like I was going to cook meth with Interceptor :rolleyes:. I'll try the natural solution first. Very frustrating.