Reef nutrition



Supporting Member
Well we decided to upgrade to Uverse internet. Had it for a week and the modem went out. What service do you use and are you happy? Thanks
We have AT&T ADSL (can't get Uverse where I'm at) and have been very happy with it for 12+ years. Service is great but the price is not. I've been paying $45/mo for the last 3 or 4 years now and AT&T won't lower it even if we agree to another 12 month term.

I've been contemplating switching but it's hard to think about losing the e-mail address I've had for that long. I have been slowly updating all my accounts to my Gmail address to make the switch easier when I do switch.

My parents use Comcast and they haven't had very many problems. Their connection is very fast too. I hear stories of the opposite with Comcast on occasion though.

AT&T will replace the modem at no charge, yes? I would think it's still under warranty. From my experience with AT&T it might be worth a try to replace the modem and see how it goes.

Yes, they will replace the modem, but they have to mail it. Wouldn't send a guy out to replace it. They quoted 3-5 days for delivery. Long time to be without. I wonder if the modem is purchased or leased or what? If it fails later, what happens?
I've had a couple fail (at work, not home) and I just went to Fry's or BestBuy to pick up a replacement. I'm pretty sure that you purchase these from AT&T up front but you get a rebate if you self-install so you basically get it for free. I don't know if that is any different with Uverse.

I think you can ask to pick it up local when you call in but it sounds like you already have the new one in the works. It will probably show up sooner than they say. I think there is a distribution center in the Bay Area.

I had DSL. Reliable, but slow.
Switched to "Comcast business teleworker"
Very nice. I reliably get about 50 Mbits/s download, and 10 upload, which is handy for work.
The "business" one is a lot more reliable than the regular one.
But still goes down for a few minutes every month or so, so not fully reliable.
+1 on they are the only DSL service you should consider. They don't do any of this B.S. tiered pricing crap that AT&T does, they flat out tell you that you can get "up to 20Mbps depending upon your distance from a CO" so where AT&T will sell you the 3Mbps package for $44.95 (or whatever their pricing is) and you're only guaranteed 1.5Mbps, they have a philosophy that bandwidth is cheap (regardless of what some like to claim) so they don't try to screw you. I get 7Mbps off my connection through them which IMO is plenty fast for the price, $39.95, not any introductory price that changes after 12 months if you sign in for 12 months, also get telephone with that price as well, free long distance, caller ID and all those other little things that the phone company will nickle and dime you for. Awesome service I can't say enough good things about them.

The only bad thing about them is they do lease lines from AT&T, so that means if something goes wrong you call them and if it's a physical problem they need to put in a work order to AT&T crews which will get a lower priority than AT&T problems. However I haven't found this to be really that much of a problem.

Also they are starting to lay fiber too in Sebastapol and parts of the Sunset, moving slow to not over extend their finances, $39.95 for 100Mbps fiber? Uhhh F-yeah! $69.95 for 1Gbps fiber? Ooooh tempting... but probably over kill :D
I used to use dsl extreme; it was very cheap; and up time was as good as at&t or better;

I now have a Comcast Business cable account; with 24/7 support; great speeds but hardly notice it being faster than dsl as the sites I care about it being faster only can serve so much bandwidth to each user.