got ethical husbandry?


Hi. My name is Dave. I registered with BAR about a year ago but have not been active on the site. I just became a supporting member and hope to attend some of the upcoming events and to meet fellow reefers. I have a 60 cube that has been running for two years. I have battled algae for a lot of that time but seem to be getting the upper hand now. I think that my rock came loaded with phosphate which caused my algae problem. It took 18 months to finally go away...mostly.
Looks nice Dave. Is that a chromis? Trying to compare its size to the yellow tang. Where are you located?
Also, what are those fluffy polyps on the lowest middle rock just above the sand - duncans?
^^Looks like Duncans to me, but curious to what they are as well.

Welcome to the club! I really like the patterns on your clowns!
I am located in Castro Valley. Yes, those are Duncans. Started out with 3 heads. I also have the following:
-2 chromis about 2" long
-1 yellow tang about 3" long
-2 clowns. Started off in a 14 gallon biocube. Have been with me for 5-6 years now.
-1 cleaner shrimp
-1 tuxedo urchin
Whoa awesome! There's quite a few members from the castro valley area and luckily most of our events are in Hayward, so not too far from you.

:) excited to see how your tank progresses. Don't be shy about posting threads and asking questions!