

What is the other bta you have in there?

I can’t snap a pic cause it is in the back. That Nem has been in there a month and no issues thus far.

The ricordia was within the last couple weeks as well.

All other corals are doing well. The bowerbanki opens its mouth about once a day, but doesn’t seem concerning yet as it’s eating and throwing out its tentacles nightly.

The elegance is doing well. I have about 30 more coral in a mixed reef setting in the system.






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But what type is it? Many people will advise you against keeping different types together.

Apologies, misunderstood. My understanding from the LFS was it is a green entacmaea quadricolor.

As far as I’m aware, the two never touched. They hung out on different sides of the tank.

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So sometimes its the luck of the draw when putting nems together without some level of proactive measure.

My theory on nems is that a large part of the incompatibility comes from differences in bacterial strains in respective nems. And this can even occur in the same nem splits that travel different paths across different tanks and then putting back together. The reason I say this is that if it weren't bacterial then cipro would not be so effective.

Plus, nems digest their foods with the help of bacterial strains living within them.

Even if not touching nems expell waste and zoox, etc into the water so can spread via the column. If you have clowns, they act as transport as well running between nems.

The safest way to attempt a mix if cipro every nem to baseline before adding.

Bad shrimp and seafood can also contribute to an infection, btw.