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Is it possible to curb clownfish aggression?

I took down one of my tanks about two months ago, and moved my clownfish that was living there (a Darwin Ocellaris) into my current tank, a 10 gallon nano. It is now extremely aggressive towards the existing clownfish (a MochaVinci). The Darwin is constantly attacking the MochaVinci, and it's been going on for weeks. The MochaVinci's fins and tails are slightly ripped, but no blood has been drawn yet.

I believe they're both female since the MochaVinci used to bully another clownfish before that one jumped out of the tank >.<

My question is: will it be possible for both of those clownfish to eventually live together relatively peacefully? Or will I have to evict one of them? I'd like to avoid eviction since I've had the Darwin for about seven years now and the MochaVinci for about three so I've grown attached :p
As far as I am aware, once a clownfish becomes a female, it wont turn back into a male.

Since the tank is so small, there isn't really anywhere the clowns can go without them seeing each other. They will probably all fight until one of the females die and they reestablish a social hierarchy.

I have had success with buying one of those mesh net cages and isolating the clownfish in there so that they can get used to each other without being able to kill each other.
I used something like this ^^
If they are both female one will kill the other or force it to leave (jump out). The smallest two females can co exist (if there are both not overly aggressive) is six feet ( if both are in each corner). In a 10 gallon you need to pick your favorite. If you want 2 you will need to pick another smaller clown. Be sure the chosen clown is not one of the dominate clowns in the tank.