Reef nutrition

Jake’s 90 gallon mixed reef

Been letting the tank mature, wanted to give it time to see when alk would drop, and how parameters would change, without touching it much.

Picked up a walling bubble coral last week, was a really good deal and I’ve always wanted one. Adjusted very well and looks great! Also picked up 2 hammers and a duncan today. I think both are branching, but one has a very thick skelton so maybe its a wall hammer? We’ll how it grows out. Wanted to get more LPS to see if my alk will start dropping.

Havent been keeping the door open at all for 2 months now since its been cold, definitely a lot more CO2 in the house. Hanna alk says 10.8, dropped a good amount for a month, API is always so hard to read, but PH is more than 8, less than 8.2, looks around 8.05-8.1. Nitrate, same deal, hard to read, more than 0, less than 10, the shade of yellow is different than 5, so I am leaning towards less than 5, could be anywhere from 3-8, and its probably not very accurate anyways, so who knows lol. Hanna nitrate will probably be my next pick up! @L/B Block was nice enough to ship me their hanna phosphate, I really appreciate that! Should be arriving any day now, and will start testing Phos. Big change of pace compared to my previous tanks, always had relatively basic test kits, and always had higher nutrient levels.

Still have the same fish, 2 clowns, royal gramma, and a scopas tang. Feed fairly heavily on pellets and mysis, plus nori for the scopas. Want to get some herbivore pellets, as well as more varied frozen foods.

Pods are down tremendously, probably more so hiding in the rocks now, still see some on the glass. Going to re-up with nathan soon! Cyano is 98% gone, most of it turned into a grey dust, with just a small amount of red here and there. Thin amounts of green algae on the rocks, good amount of algae grows on the glass.

Havent swapped out my basic LED fuge light for my kessil a160 yet, burning bush is growing, albeit slowly. Want to see where my nutrients are at after I clean out all of my nuisance algae, then I might swap out my fuge light, or I might just wait untill I add more livestock.

Water change time!

Edit: also, everything is growing very well! Nems look great, spicy favia is growing relatively fast, nepthea is having incredible growth, yellow toadstool hasnt grown much, the other 2 toadstools were fairly fresh frags directly on the plugs when I got them, both have very long and thick stems now, tequila sunrise mushroom is getting huge, the free acro growth has slowed, but the growth is coloring up now, DBTC scrambled egg zoa original colony doesnt even look like I fragged it now, and the frags are growing out. The pandora paly I fragged a couple weeks ago is opened back up (frags, colony wasnt even really bothered), original colony is sending out more runners, frags are making new heads.

Overall really satisfied with my aquarium!
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Been letting the tank mature, wanted to give it time to see when alk would drop, and how parameters would change, without touching it much.

Picked up a walling bubble coral last week, was a really good deal and I’ve always wanted one. Adjusted very well and looks great! Also picked up 2 hammers and a duncan today. I think both are branching, but one has a very thick skelton so maybe its a wall hammer? We’ll how it grows out. Wanted to get more LPS to see if my alk will start dropping.

Havent been keeping the door open at all for 2 months now since its been cold, definitely a lot more CO2 in the house. Hanna alk says 10.8, dropped a good amount for a month, API is always so hard to read, but PH is more than 8, less than 8.2, looks around 8.05-8.1. Nitrate, same deal, hard to read, more than 0, less than 10, the shade of yellow is different than 5, so I am leaning towards less than 5, could be anywhere from 3-8, and its probably not very accurate anyways, so who knows lol. Hanna nitrate will probably be my next pick up! @L/B Block was nice enough to ship me their hanna phosphate, I really appreciate that! Should be arriving any day now, and will start testing Phos. Big change of pace compared to my previous tanks, always had relatively basic test kits, and always had higher nutrient levels.

Still have the same fish, 2 clowns, royal gramma, and a scopas tang. Feed fairly heavily on pellets and mysis, plus nori for the scopas. Want to get some herbivore pellets, as well as more varied frozen foods.

Pods are down tremendously, probably more so hiding in the rocks now, still see some on the glass. Going to re-up with nathan soon! Cyano is 98% gone, most of it turned into a grey dust, with just a small amount of red here and there. Thin amounts of green algae on the rocks, good amount of algae grows on the glass.

Havent swapped out my basic LED fuge light for my kessil a160 yet, burning bush is growing, albeit slowly. Want to see where my nutrients are at after I clean out all of my nuisance algae, then I might swap out my fuge light, or I might just wait untill I add more livestock.

Water change time!

Edit: also, everything is growing very well! Nems look great, spicy favia is growing relatively fast, nepthea is having incredible growth, yellow toadstool hasnt grown much, the other 2 toadstools were fairly fresh frags directly on the plugs when I got them, both have very long and thick stems now, tequila sunrise mushroom is getting huge, the free acro growth has slowed, but the growth is coloring up now, DBTC scrambled egg zoa original colony doesnt even look like I fragged it now, and the frags are growing out. The pandora paly I fragged a couple weeks ago is opened back up (frags, colony wasnt even really bothered), original colony is sending out more runners, frags are making new heads.

Overall really satisfied with my aquarium!
Let's see some photos!
Let's see some photos!
I had just finished mixing all of my water, when my girlfriend said she wanted to go out lol. So water change is delayed until after we get back. I’ll post a fts soon. Also, my frags are kind of everywhere rn since the black widow is happy for a week or 2, and then starts bee lining it for all of my coral on my rock work, just to return to its original spot lmao
Phosphate checker came in today, and I was in for a surprise! Ran a test, was surprised by the results, ran another test, was surprised by the results again, so I thoroughly read the directions and watched a video on how to use the checker, and realized I missed the part about waiting 3 minutes for the reagent to react with the sample, so I did another test following the directions to a tee, and I was still surprised by the results. First test, sample immediately turned blue, thought that was weird, but the next 2 tests the reagent took longer to react. My readings were 2.5, 2.2, then 2.49 when I followed the directions precisely. I’m surprised my tank is running as well as it is with phosphate this high! The only thing that I can contribute it to is the used rock I have, as well as the used sand that was 5 years old. I rinsed the sand out over and over until the water ran clear when I set up my tank, but I guess there was a lot of phosphate bound to it or something. Since everything is looking good enough, I’m not going to rush into anything, just going to continue feeding lots of mysis, since it has a high nitrogen to phosphorous ratio, and see if it slowly drops over time. If it is staying up, I’ll probably get some GFO, but I think I will just put some in a baggy, rather than going more aggressive with a reactor.

Was busy this weekend, going to do my water change now and clean the tank up a bit, FTS coming soon!
Phosphate checker came in today, and I was in for a surprise! Ran a test, was surprised by the results, ran another test, was surprised by the results again, so I thoroughly read the directions and watched a video on how to use the checker, and realized I missed the part about waiting 3 minutes for the reagent to react with the sample, so I did another test following the directions to a tee, and I was still surprised by the results. First test, sample immediately turned blue, thought that was weird, but the next 2 tests the reagent took longer to react. My readings were 2.5, 2.2, then 2.49 when I followed the directions precisely. I’m surprised my tank is running as well as it is with phosphate this high! The only thing that I can contribute it to is the used rock I have, as well as the used sand that was 5 years old. I rinsed the sand out over and over until the water ran clear when I set up my tank, but I guess there was a lot of phosphate bound to it or something. Since everything is looking good enough, I’m not going to rush into anything, just going to continue feeding lots of mysis, since it has a high nitrogen to phosphorous ratio, and see if it slowly drops over time. If it is staying up, I’ll probably get some GFO, but I think I will just put some in a baggy, rather than going more aggressive with a reactor.

Was busy this weekend, going to do my water change now and clean the tank up a bit, FTS coming soon!
Are your running a skimmer? Socks/ floss or anything and how often are you changing them?

My biocube was over 2. for like first 2 years with no major issues. It's probably better long term if you are able to get them lower but nothing to panic over.
Are your running a skimmer? Socks/ floss or anything and how often are you changing them?

My biocube was over 2. for like first 2 years with no major issues. It's probably better long term if you are able to get them lower but nothing to panic over.
Yeah, I’m not in a rush to lower them, just a bit surprised by how high they were!

No skimmer or socks on this tank, thought I would try out a no physical filtration sort of build on this tank. I just have a fuge for now. I do have some smaller skimmers I could use if I wanted to. And I almost bought a skimmer during black friday, there were some great deals!
Yeah, I’m not in a rush to lower them, just a bit surprised by how high they were!

No skimmer or socks on this tank, thought I would try out a no physical filtration sort of build on this tank. I just have a fuge for now. I do have some smaller skimmers I could use if I wanted to. And I almost bought a skimmer during black friday, there were some great deals!
Cool! just keep a eye on things to
Make sure your not on a slow upwards trend to avoid reaching any critical mass type of issue. Stable/ holding is one thing trending upwards would be bad and require intertvention, more filtration, larger, or more frequent water changes.
Skimmer is a must have for a reef tank IMO. Too many benefits outweigh the cons. Most literature agrees on that.
+1 skimmers are critical. I don’t run filter socks either (there are pros and cons to this) but I would never pull the skimmer. The aeration alone is a huge deal.

I do run the skimmer dry (seems this is where it likes to be in my tank) and only empty the cup every 1-2 weeks.

And my fish get fed 10-12 times per day.
Skimmers definitely have their purpose and in almost all cases I'd recommend a reefer get one vs not in tank larger than say 30 gallons. For new reefers, it'll remove any second guessing if they run into problems, but in reality, it really all depends on your bioload in the tank. If you don't have an over abundance of it, a skimmer isn't necessary.

That being said, I only have a skimmer in one of my four systems (all of which are 40+ gallons).
The promised FTS!

Also, been having some problems with the first rbta that I got. As soon as I added the black widow, the original one started shrinking towards the end of my daily light cycle. Read it might be chemical warfare/ releasing nematocysts in the water. Just started running carbon to see if it helps.

Also, something happened when uploading the photo to BAR, because the quality of the photo is noticeably lower
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I am not sure if you do, but I would suggest to test and post all key water parameters on regular basis, i.e., Nitrate, Phosphate. Alkalinity and Calcium. I have only seen your phosphates so far.
I am not sure if you do, but I would suggest to test and post all key water parameters on regular basis, i.e., Nitrate, Phosphate. Alkalinity and Calcium. I have only seen your phosphates so far.
A few posts ago I posted alk and nitrate. I hadnt been testing calc since the test had a bit more steps, and I wanted to conserve tests until my alk started moving. Now that my alk is moving, I’ll test it and post with everything else
I shoo’ed one into it, it touched the tentacle, but didnt get the hint lol
show them a video of other clowns playing in a nem and they might get the hint

You can also try a different method where you put the fish and nem both in a floating colander, or net the fish and put the net with fish in it over the nem so the clown is in/near the tentacles, but I think the video is a nicer way
show them a video of other clowns playing in a nem and they might get the hint

You can also try a different method where you put the fish and nem both in a floating colander, or net the fish and put the net with fish in it over the nem so the clown is in/near the tentacles, but I think the video is a nicer way
I’ll try the video, havent heard of that method before!
A few posts ago I posted alk and nitrate. I hadnt been testing calc since the test had a bit more steps, and I wanted to conserve tests until my alk started moving. Now that my alk is moving, I’ll test it and post with everything else

Sorry, missed that.

Edit: The CA should be a simple test if you use Salifert. Others are more complicated and not necessarily more accurate.
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