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jestersix 150G PlasmaLand

Johnny... this amazing. What spectacular progress.

I am trying to decide between the plasma, AI, and Radions. All expensive. Especially if I am going to go with a 7' or 8' tank.
scuba71 said:
Johnny... this amazing. What spectacular progress.

I am trying to decide between the plasma, AI, and Radions. All expensive. Especially if I am going to go with a 7' or 8' tank.

Depending on what you want, two plasmas do the trick. Mine have a practical footprint of 4 x 2 - unless you are looking at SPS to bottom, then 2 x 2. Mine are 16 inches over the top of a 20 inch tank and are doing fine as you can see. I concentrate the high lights SPS in the middle but have plenty of light for what I'm doing. Each type of light has good and bad...I just like my Plasmas best!
To be honest I have not yet decided if I should go 7' or 8' long tank. The depth will be 28" (front to back), and height will be 25 or 26". In either case, it looks like I may need 4 sets, and that is going to cost an arm and leg. In which case, the AI's would be more economical.
Great looking tank Johnny! I'm really surprised that plasmas are not promoted more on the forums. Everyone is obsessed with LEDs, but the plasmas seem more promising because of the spectrum and ability to retain coral color.

Any word on when they will mass market these for aquarium purposes?
Stray Light Optical does have plasmas in production. Great people to work with, and a product that really does a fantastic job. Agreed that they draw more power than LEDs, but even at full power only draw 290 watts. I have had good luck at 50%, currently max is at 60% so they are drawing less. Plasmas will reach much deeper than LEDs -lights to tank bottom is 36 inches and at 100% I was growing SPS on the sandbed. Just a different tool than LEDs.
Kmooresf said:
jestersix said:
Kmooresf said:
Great Shots! That tank is killer. Love the Monti on the far right. I want mine to do that! LOL!

Thanks! Funny. I just fragged the heck out of those montis - Jim has a chunk of the confusa. LMK if you want frags of either the purple rim or confusa, I can bring them to the meeting. A bit browned out from growing in the shadows but both are quick growers (at least under plasmas)

Hey Thanks John, I would love a frag of the Monti. I am not however going to make the meeting this saturday. No worries. Maybe the next meeting. Tank looks awesome!


I can cut you a piece of the confusa if you like.
With the given coverage, I'm not so sure that Plasma would be more watts. Plus, I personally would sacrifice watts for spectrum.

Hey Johnny, Visalia is really far. You drive all the way up here for meetings?
Yeah, I make the drive but really enjoy the BAR crew. Don't make every meeting - usually about 4 a year.

I would say the heat on the lights would be about like a 150 W MH - maybe a bit less? At 16 inches over the tank they raise the tank a whopping zero degrees. Of course, no canopy to hold in heat. The big plus I see with plasmas is the intensity/color rendition. At 100% it is like natural sunlight - not windex water as is the trend. At that level it grows stuff like mad (look back in the thread for growth shots) but you don't get the popping color. At 50% you get a nice Radium 20k blue - great colors on corals but growth slows. Ramp up and dimming cycle with the right controller and I just like that performance. Plus when you need to change the "bulb" it is as easy as a MH - not so with most LEDs, Radions excepted.
Saw those. I really like the build on the Stray Light fixtures much better. It is nice riser more coming on the market. Choices are always nice!
Clams are back in PlasmaLand


Da Clowns



Something new -top mounted mag frag

