Cali Kid Corals

Joel's Tank Journal(s)

Nice improvement!

The middle still looks dark compared to the areas under the lights. How does it look in person?

To my eye it would look better if the center was lit more and the ends had a bit of falloff. You could put the acclimating and low light corals on the ends.
Normally I agree, but with the rock scape and corals as they are light inthe sides is needed. Maybe add a small extra led cluster inthe middle? I bet the guys at rapid would take care of you getting it put togther.
JAR said:
Nice clam!
Looks like one more LED in the center would balance out the light more :)
I would keep the T5 and SVHO lites for sure!

Thanks JAR: That Deresa has been in the display for almost 4 years, and it's grown about 30%. I think it's going to out grow the tank in the next 4 years. I wanted to find a yellow Desedra, but have been happy with the iridescence this blue one puts out under the actinics.

Thanks for the feedback on the lighting. I'm going to try moving them slightly higher and to the center first as denzil and aqua-nut suggested. I'm hoping not to have to add another fixture as I'm looking forward to cutting back on our electric bill. I just took out 350w and now have cut it to 180w; adding another fixture only saves us 80w. Oh well if necessary I'll go with a third fixture.

Thanks for landing on my journal page and posting too. Much appreciated: Same to denzil and aqua nut too.

aqua-nut said:
Nice improvement!

The middle still looks dark compared to the areas under the lights. How does it look in person?

To my eye it would look better if the center was lit more and the ends had a bit of falloff. You could put the acclimating and low light corals on the ends.

Thanks. It is still a little dark (good eyes). I agree: I think I'm going to move them in closer together this weekend.
Coral reefer said:
Normally I agree, but with the rock scape and corals as they are light inthe sides is needed. Maybe add a small extra led cluster inthe middle? I bet the guys at rapid would take care of you getting it put togther.

I like the idea of a small cluster. I haven't shopped for LEDs in a year or two, and prices seem to have come down, so I'll probolly start looking for something like that if my next adjustment doesn't do the trick.
Just noticed: I like your signature quote - Probably a Nano Would look good next to his tomb in Ravenna. Perhaps maybe a 150 long on top of the crypt even. I was there at the end of October 2012. Good lighting inside too.

You're going to have to copy and paste this URL as BARS site is not taking link completely.'s+tomb&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&tbo=u&rls=en&tbm=isch&source=univ&ei=j3oIUdWoN46GiQK2sYGIAg&ved=0CEAQsAQ&biw=1311&bih=919
Always good to hear. I too was concerned about changing from MH to LED's. Almost no losses and my opinion about LED's has changed
I've been so busy, since installing the LEds, cleaning algae, that I decided to purchase and install a Coralife 9W UV Sterilizer on 3/20/13. The difference is noticeable, and algae blooms are nearly a thing of the past. Why didn't I do this sooner. :tired:

Anyway, the proof is in the photos which are to follow. The corals are growing really well under the Rapid Onyx LEDs.

I also have my and top off system dialed in 2/07/13. The top off system is using apx 2 1/2 qts of r/o wtr every 3 days, or 5 gallons a month

I'm finally nearing the point where the system is on auto pilot mode; and am enjoying the hobby more while providing a more suitable environment for my underwater friends. It's taken a long time to get to this point. I was dreading the algae and uncertainty of removing the MHs for LEDs; and what that might do to the corals. Well I did lose some corals, but many of them are back to their own selves again.

It was good coming home from Maui last month to find the tank was stable after all the mods this year. I'll have some tank photos, and some turtle video I took up soon.

To be continued :bigsmile:
The file structure's different in the new forum and they weren't able to be brought over. Sorry. :(

Wow - Bummer. I guess, if I am able to replace them manually, I'll have my work cut out for me doing so....

Good Fish Tank Photo.JPG
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New additions courtesy of Screebo: 3 Chalices - 2 Saddleback
Ocellaris - Quadra Color Rose Anemone - Superman Mushroom - Orange and Green Acan - Ultra Ricordia - Red Micramusa (sp?) - Gold Leptastrea - Green Spongiode - Screaming Blue Zoas with green sweepers

Everyone is fine and settling in nicely.

Thank you John;, be sure to visit your friends. :)
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Looking awesome!!!

Thanks Mike. Good seeing you at Saturday's BAR / BAP event.

I like that chalice I purchased from from the BAR tank. Can you tell me what it's called? I tried finding it on your tank journal, and couldn't identify it amongst all those nice chalice frags you've got growing. I'm a Fan :D

It seems fairly delicate, so I hope it grows fast. I have it low on the reef under good light and moderate current. Do you have any suggestions for placement and growing out? I start out some of my chalices lower to avoid bleaching, and then move them up once they overcome the stress of being introduced to the display. I's pretty showy and would like to get it more out in the open. Can you tell me the growing habits of this particular coral? It looks like the type that creates scrolls and encrusts onto live rock easily? PLMK when you get around to it. I'll try to post a photo b4 the week is over.

Happy Fragging,