Neptune Aquatics

July 2023 Photo Of The Month


Facilities, Events, LFS Partnership
Got a great photo you'd like to share of your tank or its inhabitants? Post it here! We're starting a monthly contest to be voted on by your fellow BAR members.

  • Post your best reefing photo from this month in this thread
  • The winner will have the most "reactions" e.g. likes on their post as of 7/31 11:59 PM Pacific time
  • You can react to more than one photo
  • Open to supporting members only
  • One entry per month
  • Guests and BOD members may vote or post a photo, but can't win
  • The winner will receive $50 in store credit or gift card to one of our LFS partners chosen by the BOD
  • Each winner can only win once every 6 calendar months (e.g. if you win in January then you're eligible again in July)
Let's see those photos!
I took this pic last night after the lights went off!!!
