Cali Kid Corals

K1, or K2

Hmm, I must be way under your guys' standard in the last 3 years for my little 12G nano cube that I just managed to crack during the weekend. I was running it only with a MJ900 return pump, which I thought was a significant upgrade in water flow from the original pump already. I was able to keep all kinds of LPS/softies in it, and I was even able to keep some easy SPSs (digi and some blue tip tenius) in it for half a year with great color just with the stock PC light (24w).
I did upgrade the stock aqua-pod return pump up to an MJ1200 in addition to using the K2 :D I think everyone's flow requirement will always be a little different, mainly because (IMO) the way the rock work is structured in our tank will play a large role in dictating how many angles of water movement we may want, or consider to be sufficient. The more angles, the more power heads.