Roberto I recommend you exhaust kalkwasser before trying to supplement it. I will share with you what I have found to work the best with minimal undisolved kalk;
I mix batches of 5 gallons but my dosing container is only 1 gal which I refill whenever it runs out. This way in case my doser goes haywire there isn't enough kalk to nuke my tank
I fill my 5 gal jug with RO water first
I add 250ml vinegar
I slowly add 15 spoons of kalk
Essensially I'm doing 50ml vinegar + 3 spoons kalk per gallon, this is the max solution adding anymore kalk will simply be waste since it won't be able to dissolve completely.
I manually mix the solution for at least 2-3 minutes till I can't see kalk spinning around in there, cap the container & let it sit, 24 hours later it's ready to be dosed.
A few important key elements to look out for;
-There will always be undissolved solids in the solution, this is not all kalk, some yes but there are impurities which settle at the bottom
-The last 1/2 gallon or so (from 5 gal container) I dump in the drain to avoid dosing impurities (high in phosphates)
-I rinse the smaller dosing container every time the large one runs out, I am not as concerned with impurities in the smaller container because every time I fill it I carefully pour the solution into it to avoid stirring the impurities at the bottom, this way I keep impurities out of the dosing container.
-You are
not at full solution at 2 spoons, the 50 ml vinegar (as outline in Randy's formula) is what allows the extra spoon to dissolve without it you're just adding/wasting kalk.
So basically that's your last ditch, if you can not maintain alk with this method you have reached the limit of kalkwasser (possible but unlikely).
You can dose as much kalkwasser as necessary, I think the limit on a small tank is when you reach the point where all dissolved water is being replaced by kalkwasser, easy to notice since your ATO reservoir will stay full all the time.
Hi Corallus - if I shunned a question for being basic I'd be doing a great disservice to BAR as I often post the silliest things hehe
The short answer is, do not mix methods, things get weird and difficult to keep balanced. Some reefers with large heavily stocked tanks will sometimes combine methods by having one primary method and the other simply to supplement it but very seldom will you find it necessary. Both 2 part & kalkwasser methods work well and have their pros/cons. Without getting too complex with my answer I will say that I used to dose 2-part and the main reason I switched to kalkwasser was to save money (pickling lime & vinegar are the cheapest 2 items in this hobby) and secondly because running a single dosing pump is more preferable than 2 pumps and 2 separate bottles to store.
I like kalkwasser because you will see me often talk about how much I like dosing carbon and based on the formula I detailed for Roberto you will see there is a lot of carbon (vinegar) going into my tank, not to mention the vodka I also dose (vodka's another carbon source).
If this adequately answers your question I am happy I've done so, if you'd like to read more please tell me I'd be happy to share some links. Randy Holmes has written fabulous articles on the topic. If you chose to go the kalkwasser route follow the details written in the first half of this post.
Happy Monday Evening guys